Block of Air Coolers
Company: Gribanovskiy Machine Building Plant
Industry: Air coolers, heat exchange and storage equipment
Project Description
This block of devices was developed at Gribanovskiy Machine-Building Plant, and is currently in production. The block of air coolers consists of three units and service platforms. The structure of the apparatus consists of a section unit, a fan unit and product inlet/outlet manifolds. The section block includes a heat exchange bundle assembled from finned pipes, distribution chambers and upper louvers. Heat exchange pipes in the distribution chambers are fastened by welding with flaring, fastening type C1R4-1 in accordance with GOST R 55601-2013. Distribution chambers are welded. The front chamber has a product inlet fitting, a rear product outlet fitting. The fan block includes a metal structure, a fan drive, a fan manifold, a fan wheel, blinds. The fan impeller rotates in the collector cavity. The device has a vibration-resistant structure. The project became the winner in the category The largest assembly (more than 50 thousand bodies) in the competition "T-FLEX CAD: I am an engineer!"