3D Model Visualization Commands

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3D Model Visualization Commands

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Apply Section in 3D View


Show Clip Plane Position


Enable Clip Plane


Set Clip Plane Position


Select Center Of Rotation


Full Rotation


Rotate about X axis


Rotate about Y axis


Rotate about Z axis


Rotate about global/local axis


Automatic Rotation


Auto-Resize 3D Scene


Panoramic Rotation


Fix Direction


Back View


Front View

<Ctrl + Numpad 1>

Bottom Isometry


<Ctrl + Numpad 2>

Bottom View

<Ctrl + Numpad 3>

Bottom Back Isometry


<Ctrl + Numpad 4>

Left View


<Ctrl + Numpad 6>

Right View


<Ctrl + Numpad 5>

Top View


Axonometric (front)


Axonometric (back)


View Wireframe


View Shading


View Render


View Hidden Line Removal


Precise Hidden Line Removal


Semitransparent View


Perspective Projection


Orthographic Projection


Set View Parameters


View Ray Tracing


Create 3D Model explode


Exploded View


Select Camera


Move Camera


Open Photorealistic View Window