Include in Product Structure

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Include in Product Structure

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The command:



Bill of materials → Product structure → Included fragments


Textual Menu


Tools > Report/Bill of materials > Included fragments

Is used for managing inclusion of document fragments in a product structure.

After activation of the command the window that contains lists of fragments and product structures appears.


The Product structure parameter specifies the name of product structure for which the specified fragments inclusion modes will be used: don’t include, without embedded elements, with embedded elements, embedded elements only.

When you select <New Product Structures> from the drop-down list, the specified inclusion parameters will be used for new product structures.

When you select fragment its inclusion mode is specified in the lower part of the window.

Using Assign product structure name parameter you can select a product structure from the fragment file, which data will be included in an assembly product structure

Multiselect. . You can select several elements from the fragments list using tapped button <Shift>. Tapped <Ctrl> button allows you to add/remove fragments from the selected list.

Button clip1042 Select all allows to select all fragments. Button clip1046 Deselect all allows to deselect all fragments. When you select fragments, each of them is highlighted in 2D and 3D windows. If there are more than one fragment in the list, selected parameters are applied to all of them.