Creating 3D Profile – Copy of Existing 3D Profile

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For creating a 3D profile as a copy of an existing 3D profile, use the option:

       <M>        Construct 3D Profile as a copy of another 3D Profile        

To create a profile copy, first select the original 3D profile in the 3D scene or in the 3D model tree. The profile selection option activates automatically, as the mode is turned on:

       <T>        Select profile to copy        

Once the profile is specified, one can complete the creation with the option . The created profile will coincide with the original one in this case (if no transformation is defined for it).

To define the coordinate systems that determine the translation of the profile being created off the original one, use the following automenu options:

       <1>        Select sourceCoordinate System        

       <2>        Select target Coordinate System        

If the required LCS are absent in the current model, the following options can be used:

       <K>        Select Point for Creating Source Coordinate System

       <W>        Select Point for Creating Target Coordinate System

These options allow a user to automatically create a desired LCS by specifying its origin point. The axes of the coordinate system will be directed according to the direction of the axes of the global coordinate system.

The selected local coordinate systems are highlighted in the 3D scene. The preview image of the profile being created appears in the position determined by the specified local coordinate systems.

A selection of a coordinate system can be instantly rejected by the option:

       <F>        Cancel Coordinate System selection