Creating a 3D Profile - Offset

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To create an offset, select the option

       <Q>        Construct 3D Profile as an offset to 3D Profile        

The original profile can be selected in the 3D scene or in the 3D model tree, while under the activated automenu option:

       <T>        Select 3D Profile        

The 3D node determining the offset distance of the profile is defined by the automenu option:

       <N>        Select offset by 3D Node        

The following automenu option is provided for rejecting the selection of the 3D node:

       <K>        Cansel link with 3D Node

To define the offset distance by a numerical value, one can use the command property window (the parameter "Offset" in the same-name section of the dialog box). Other offset parameters can also be defined there. The choice of handling gaps occurring in the offset contour is defined by the parameter "Gap Type". The choice of handling the inner contours of the profile (if any) is defined by the selector "Internal Contours".                
