Creating Workplane Orthogonal to 3D Curve

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To set the mode of creating this type of workplanes, in the main command automenu select the option:

       <7>        Create Workplane Orthogonal to Path        

Upon selecting this option, the following actions become accessible:

       <2>        Select Path to which Workplane is orthogonal        

This option allows selecting a 3D element defining the source curve to which the workplane should be made orthogonal. This can be a 3D path, 3D profile or its boundary, an edge or a loop of edges.

Upon selecting the source curve, the image of the workplane is displayed orthogonal to the curve, at its start point. The position of the workplane can be adjusted by selecting a 3D point for the workplane to pass through:

       <3>        Select Point that sets Workplane position        

Upon selecting the 3D point, the workplane will reposition in the 3D scene to pass through the selected point while staying orthogonal to the source curve. The workplane origin will be placed at the intersection point. If the selected point is not lying on the path or edge, then the X-axis will be directed to this point. Otherwise, the direction of the X-axis is defined by the system automatically.

The workplane creation must be confirmed by the option .