Geometry Source of Reference Element

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In order to determine which file will contain the source geometry of the reference element, you need to specify one of three options:


Fragment of first level,

Initial fragment.


The Fragment of first level is set by default.

If you specify not set when you select a file that contains the source geometry of the reference element, the selected element in the context of the assembly will be used upon the fragment construction, but will be fixed and cannot be updated.

As mentioned above, a reference element can only be created in the context of an assembly. To do this, open the assembly file, and then through the Assembly Structure window open the fragment for editing (for more details, see Working in Context of Assembly). In the Assembly Structure window, we see only those fragments that are included in the assembly. The entire structure above (if we opened the subassembly file) will not be visible to us, neither in the scene nor in the Assembly Structure window, and do not affect the creation of reference element.


In this case, we mean the current hierarchy of fragments, which determines which file on the disk should be accessed in the future to find the source geometry of the reference element. This option is valid only once, when creating a reference element. If the file containing the source geometry has a different hierarchy in the final assembly, the system will find it. If the file is deleted, the link will not be updated, because the source geometry will not be found.

Assume that the source geometry to which a reference element refers upon update was specified in the assembly. No geometry is created directly in the assembly, all geometry in the assembly is determined by the fragments that are included in it. This means that in order for the source geometry of the reference element to be available in the assembly, it must contain the fragment in which the source geometry is located. Therefore, if you remove a fragment from the assembly, the source geometry will not be found by the reference element when you update.

The edit panel in the context of the assembly (upper right corner of the 3D scene) duplicates the option to specify the selection of the file containing the geometry source.


You should carefully monitor this option when automatically creating reference elements in the context of an assembly.