Thread Parameters

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Common Tab

Sets General operation parameters.  

Name. The operation name is unique, and by default it reflects the sequence number of the operation performed (Thread, etc.). at the time of creation, the operation name is not displayed in the parameters window.

Operation Tab

Standard. The value of this field can be one of the names of the standard that exists in the Treads.xml file, or a non-Standard thread. The parameter value is set by selecting from the list or entering a numeric value in the field on the right. In this field, you can enter a numeric value or a variable that specifies the ID of the standard in the file. If you select a non-standard thread all the parameters including the string notation of the threads are manually set, the file in this case is not used.

Side. This parameter defines the type of thread.

Current. The type of thread (external or internal) is determined automatically depending on the type of face selected. If the carrier face type changes during further work with the model (for example, after performing a Boolean operation), the thread will not be displayed because the face type does not match. This value is set by default.

External. The thread is considered external for any type of bearing face. The face diameter specifies the outer diameter of the thread (if the AutoFill flag is set).

Internal. The thread is considered internal for any type of bearing face. The diameter of the edge defines the inner diameter of the thread (if the flag is set autoadjast). For example, when creating a thread on the outer face of a body that will be used as a 3D fragment to create a hole, i.e. it will be automatically subtracted when inserted into the Assembly, you must use the Internal value.

Autoadjust. By default, this flag is set when creating an operation, i.e. the thread parameters are selected from the database based on the diameter of the bearing face. The system selects the thread diameter value closest to the face diameter value from the list of acceptable values for the selected standard. If two values are found, the higher priority value is selected in accordance with GOST requirements. Values that are not recommended in GOST are marked in brackets in the list. Then, from a number of steps corresponding to the selected diameter, the most preferred step is selected (for metric threads, this will be a large step, for other threads – recommended in GOST). The value corresponding to a major step is highlighted in the list in bolder font. Automatic selection of thread parameters will also be performed when changing the diameter of the bearing face during model recalculation.

For non-standard threads, auto-selection is not available.

When auto-selection mode is disabled, you can set any parameter values or variable names in the parameters dialog for standard threads. However, even in this case, the thread parameters are taken from the database – they are selected closest to the values entered by the user. These parameters do not change when the diameter of the bearing face changes.

Diameter. For non-standard threads, enter the value of the thread diameter in this field. When creating one of the standard threads, the field displays the value selected from the database. If several nearest values are found in the database, all of them will be included in the list.

Pitch. The parameter contains the increment value of the created thread. For standard threads, the system displays the preferred pitch by default. If necessary, you can select a different step from the list provided by the system. In this case, automatic recalculation after changing the face diameter will not select the most preferred step, as it should be by default, but the one closest to the one set manually.

Height. The value of the field displays the height of the working thread profile for this step. This parameter is a reference parameter,Number of Threads. The parameter value specifies the number of thread runs.

Side. If the flag is set, the thread being created will be left-sided (by default, the flag is unchecked). In the field on the right, you can enter a numeric value or a variable that controls the flag state. A value of 0 or less indicates that the flag is cleared, and any value greater than zero indicates that the flag is set. When creating a left-hand thread, the corresponding symbols are added to the symbol string.

Class. This parameter contains a list of tolerances (accuracy classes) set in the database for the current thread parameters.

Notation. This parameter contains a thread designation string. When you create a dimension on the lines of the thread image that belong to the 2D projection, this designation is placed automatically. When creating a standard thread, this parameter is a reference parameter, i.e. its value cannot be edited.

Face diameter. This field displays the diameter value of the bearing face. This parameter is a reference parameter, i.e. its value cannot be edited.

The next group of parameters specifies how to set the thread offset and its value.

Start. Specifies the offset from the initial boundary of the thread. Can take one of the following values:

Face start. The offset is deferred from the edge of the bearing face closest to which the cursor was located at the time of selection (this edge is considered the beginning). This value is set by default.

From object. The indent is deferred from the point set by an optional 3D object (point, straight line, or plane). The item type is selected using the corresponding auto-menu options.  If the offset is set by a 3D point, it is deferred from the projection of the additional point on the axis of the bearing surface. If the indent is set as a straight line, it is deferred from the point on the axis that is located at the shortest distance between the axis and the selected straight line. If the offset is set by a plane, it is deferred from the point where the axis intersects with the selected plane.

End. Specifies the offset from the end edges of the thread. It can take one of the following values:

Face end. The offset is deferred from the final border of the face.

Thread start. The offset is deferred from the initial thread border.

Face start. This type of indentation task is described above (the Start parameter group).

From the object. This type of indentation task is described above (the Start parameter group).

The numeric value of the margin is set in the field On. By default, the indent is set in model units. If necessary, you can select %from the list on the right. Then the offset value will be set as a percentage of the length of the bearing face (if the offset is set from the beginning of the thread, the initial length is the distance from the beginning of the thread to the end of the face).  

Set as default. The selected option means that the specified General parameters will be used for all subsequent operations.