T-FLEX DOCs - PLM solution that gives you a single, organized, and secure source of company management, team design and product engineering


T-FLEX DOCs software is professional Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) system, helping companies manage increasingly complex products, streamline operations, and increase productivity. With T-FLEX DOCs, it's easier to keep your entire organization on the same page - from product development to manufacturing, to service and support.

The complete portfolio of T-FLEX DOCs lifecycle applications helps your teams make good decisions for their tasks at-hand, while unifying the various work streams within a single source of product and process knowledge.

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T-FLEX DOCs is also fully integrated with our design products including T-FLEX CAD as well as third party products. By combining these tools you can realize operational advantages and acceleration of design processes.

Engineering Processes and Design Management

T-FLEX DOCs engineering process management solution allows you to integrate your engineering teams by bringing together the product designs within a single product data management (PDM) system. You can capture, manage and synchronize product design data from various major CAD systems, then automate your engineering change, validation and approval processes.

T-FLEX DOCs automated workflow capabilities allow you to execute change processes that provide all product development stakeholders with instant access to necessary data. You can communicate and evaluate the impact of proposed changes with T-FLEX DOCs comprehensive configuration management capabilities.

T-FLEX DOCs is a virtual gateway to your company's product information connecting all who need to collaborate with product and process knowledge. T-FLEX DOCs enables you to digitally manage your product and manufacturing data in the context of the product lifecycle.

General Office and Desk Workflow

To maximize the value of your product data and increase your innovation potential, you can use T-FLEX DOCs software to unite diverse participants across various commercial and government organizations in an intuitive collaborative environment. T-FLEX DOCs supports global teaming by connecting every user's desktop, bringing people together with the tools and services they need to perform as a team and connecting them with the product knowledge of the extended enterprise to ensure that right decisions can be made at every decision point. This approach avoids rework, reduces cost and accelerates time-to-market.

For office services system provides specialized user interface customization to perform all the necessary operations in one window with functionality expanded to perform a variety of specialized tasks. Thus, T-FLEX DOCs allows you to organize the simplest workflow, built on the principles of "Instruct-Perform-Check", involving all necessary documents.

T-FLEX DOCs works with any necessary data: documents of various types, all kinds of information about contracts, partnerships and dealer organizations, negotiation protocol data, and more. Employees of different departments can quickly record resolutions and connect them with all sorts of data, documents and drawings.

Enterprise Knowledge Management and Archive

T-FLEX DOCs allows you to leverage product knowledge by applying it to automated business processes. You can manage your business initiatives throughout the lifecycle; synchronizing efforts, increasing productivity and achieving greater innovation. As a PLM platform, T-FLEX DOCs allows you to consolidate your product knowledge and processes, and implement domain and industry solutions that reduce your total cost of ownership and time-to-value.

T-FLEX DOCs has a number of specialized tools for managing data structures. Unique tools allow you to organize various ways of binding objects of different types, as well as to describe the logic of interaction of such objects. This mechanism underlies the single knowledge base that can handle any type of data and store objects of any specific area from the product structure and nomenclature to the contact lists of organizations, customers and suppliers.

Project Management, Cost and Resource Planning

T-FLEX DOCs brings project management and the product lifecycle together to enable your company to fully leverage its resources and prioritize your products so they can be aligned to drive your strategic business objectives forward.

Before making commitments and beginning the work, you can use T-FLEX DOCs to create what-if scenarios that consider schedule changes and supplemental resources for balancing capacity against the product roadmap. This allows you to validate the roadmap against actual organizational capacity.

T-FLEX DOCs provides comprehensive financial planning from budgeting to total cost of development, which supports cost and revenue-related budgeting and forecasting across product lines, products, projects and strategies while producing a single source of organizational financials.

T-FLEX DOCs allows you to quickly select a set of resources that will be involved in every task of the project. All of the resources may be planned and described in terms of costs schedule, i.e. system allows you to specify when and under what scheme money will be spent on a particular resource. The system allows you to quickly see the disbursement schedule for the entire project, quickly view cost graphs of individual resources and compare them to each other to assess the overall picture.

Mail and Tasks, Workflow Management

T-FLEX DOCs has all necessary functions of organizational and administrative management and allows you to combine various departments into a single business unit: from general office to design-engineering services. The system allows you to organize multilevel control of executive discipline, including: traditionally accepted simple and hierarchical resolution, automated notifications of performers and leaders at all phases of work, control of timing and controllers assignment. Workflow Management module is an important and integral part of many solutions built on T-FLEX DOCs platform. It is aimed at automation of user interaction during the execution of a wide variety of works. T-FLEX DOCs has special tools to issuing assignments and provide clear and fast operational control. The program includes, among other things, specialized calendar to not only see the target dates for all works and assignments, but also quickly create reminder alerts for yourself and record your activities.

Integration with ERP Systems

T-FLEX DOCs provides information to downstream applications, such as enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems. Operational data can be transferred to various ERP systems both through standardized XML exchange format files and through the creation of specialized software modules. This functionality helps you to optimally implement T-FLEX DOCs into your ERP system landscape and ensure data consistency.

Managing Company Product Range, Corporate Data and Classifiers

T-FLEX DOCs helps to organize data spread across multiple databases and locations providing optimal solutions for data harmonization. Various types of datasets may be used to involve all type of objects and product structures into a uniform knowledge base of company's products and processes.

Special tools provide the ability to create arbitrary folder structures with various rules and selection options. Furthermore, it is possible to create an arbitrary content and define appropriate data structures and logic of internal relationships. Various predefined classifiers are already included in the installation.

Product Structure Management, Bill of Materials, Configurations and Versions

T-FLEX DOCs single source of structured product and process information enables you to derive the right bill of materials (BOM) information relevant to your needs. Coupled with powerful capabilities to manage product complexity and variability, you can more easily manage product offerings, platforms and options.

T-FLEX DOCs enables you to create a generic product structure that you can use to manage all of the configurations that apply to a product platform - including definitions for the product families, variants and options that facilitate an affordable approach to mass customization.

T-FLEX DOCs bill of materials (BOM) management capabilities help you manage increasingly complex products by providing total visibility into your product definitions and configurations and the way this information evolves throughout the product lifecycle. T-FLEX DOCs enables all lifecycle participants to leverage BOM information relevant to their functional needs. Especially valuable when used in conjunction with T-FLEX CAD configuration and product structure capabilities, BOM management lets you manage product platforms, variants and derivatives essential for improving your product customization and re-use.

There are also important features for revision management, alternate and substitute part management, multiple product structure views, controlling versions to track changes in objects and product structure and rollback them if necessary.

Integration with Major MCAD Systems

T-FLEX DOCs has modules for integration virtually with all most popular design systems, including: T-FLEX CAD, SolidWorks, Autodesk Inventor, AutoCAD, PTC Creo and Siemens NX.

Such integration provides a single source of product and process information to support your complete design-through manufacturing process and enables your data to be incorporated into a multi-CAD environment.

Customized Information Systems

You can extend T-FLEX DOCs with specialized custom applications that meet your unique PLM requirements while ensuring ease of maintenance and future upgradeability. Support for .NET API allows you to create scalable applications based on the standard .NET technology, supported by various programming languages and tools. Custom applications do not depend on T-FLEX DOCs updates.

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