"Welded Seam" Window

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"Welded Seam" Window

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All types of the welded seams specified in the current document of T-FLEX CAD, the welded seams themselves and their captions are shown in the system’s special window “Welded seams”. Control of this window visibility is carried out with the help of the clip0500 icon found in the set of buttons “Welding” of the main toolbar by the command “WW: Weld Project Window”:



Assembly → Assembly → Weld → Weld Project Window


Textual Menu


Tools > Weld > Weld Project Window



In the given window the elements of welding (welded seam types, welded seams themselves and their captions) are sorted by the types and are represented in the form of a tree. The welded seam tree allows us to visualize intuitively all information on the welding’s elements created in the current document (in the drawing or 3D model of a product).

The context menu invoked with the help of Правый клик Текст when clicking on any point of the “Welded seams” window or upon selection of any element in the given window contains various commands for creation and editing of the welding’s elements.
