Filters Tab |
Filters specify data arranging conditions for representations. You can specify various filters that can be used in different representations. For example, from the whole set of product structure records you can select only records about materials to receive the corresponding report.
You can read about representations in “Representations tab” section.
When creating a new filter you can select one of two types: By Condition or By level of hierarchy. You can change filter name by pressing on its name. |
-By level of hierarchy. This filter helps to define level in assembly hierarchy for which to gather product structure data.
You can specify Comparison type and Level for this filter. The levels values begin from “0” (the product is on a zero level). For example, filter “<= 1” will gather data in the assembly file and the fragment files of the first level.
-By Condition. This type allows to specify conditions using content of product structure columns.
Filter creation is similar to the previously described data source filter creation. The only difference is that the Parameter drop-down list contains columns of the product structure.
You need to select a column and specify condition for the values selection.