Contextual menu of a product composition record includes options for the product composition and the record itself.
You can create a child record for the selected record using option Add child record.
To restore the original position of a record in the Product Composition window, you need to select item Restore location of record in product composition.
Option Expand All/Collapse All allows to show/hide grouped records.
Create BOM Callout. Activates command for creating callout in the current document. After callout creation, you can select another record and continue working with the command.
Restore location of record in product composition. You can restore locations of child records.
You need to select Restore location of record in product composition option to restore the source position of a record. The record appears on the source position after the product composition update.
Copy/paste options:
•You can copy the selected records using the clipboard;
•All records pasted from the clipboard will be added as “created manually”;
•If there were hierarchical relations between records before copying, they are retained after pasting.
•Links between records and variables persist while copying within one document. When you paste records into another document or text, only values will be copied;
•Hotkeys <Ctrl+C>/<Ctrl+V> are available for coping;
•When you paste records in the 2D window, they are inserted as text. Only columns visible in Product Composition window are copied as text.
Product composition item in the context menu is similar to the same item from the headers context menu.
3D Fragment item appears in the context menu of each fragment. Its drop-down list contains all standard options for working with a fragment.
Reports item allows you to select report template from the drop-down list. The report will be generated after selection. Its properties are preset in the product composition parameters.