Contextual Menu of Product Composition Column's Header

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The contextual menu invoked by right-clicking mouse right a header of any column in the SWProductComposition20x20 Product Composition window contains following commands:



Sort by

Sort Ascending

Sort Descending

Cancel Sorting

Show Grouping Tool Window

Group by this Column

Group By Representation Rules

Cancel Grouping



Hide Column

Auto width of column

Adjust Width

Product Composition

Alternatively you can hide selected column, change order of columns or sort records by selected column using mouse without calling any commands.

Changing visibility of columns

Changing visibility of columns via these commands enables/disables the PSShow20x20 Show column in Product Composition window checkbox in column's properties and vice versa.

The drop-down menu of this command allows you to select columns to be displayed in the Product Composition window. Columns are grouped in the drop-down menu in accordance with Categories set in their properties.

A column is displayed in Product Composition window, when the checkbox is enabled near the column’s name.


In addition to the list of columns, the drop-down menu of the Columns command contains following commands:

Show All
Enables display of all columns existing in the current product composition.

Show Only Predefined
The command restores the visibility of columns to the configuration, which was set in parameters of product composition type at the moment of creating the current composition. It cancels all changes of visibility applied later.

Visibility of columns may also be customized using the PSColumnsList20x25 button located at the right edge of the toolbar in the Product Composition window.


Hide Column
Disables the display of the selected column.


Alternatively, you can disable the display of any column in the following way. Move the cursor over a header of column that you want to hide. Press and hold mouse left, then move the cursor outside the columns headers area. Release mouse left, when the dragged header becomes crossed.


Reordering columns

By default, an order of columns in the SWProductComposition20x20 Product Composition window depends on their order in the list of columns in the composition parameters. If necessary, you can reorder columns without invoking the product composition parameters dialog. To do so, move the cursor in the SWProductComposition20x20 Product Composition window over a header of a column that has to be reordered. Press and hold mouse left, then move the cursor over the splitter between those columns, where you want place the selected column. Release mouse left, when red arrows appear over the splitter.


Sorting records

By default, if there are no representation applied, then records of product composition are displayed in the order of their creation; if a representation is applied, then the order of records is defined by sorting rules set in parameters of representation. If necessary, you can sort record by values of any of the displayed columns using following commands:


Sort by
The drop-down list contains names of all currently displayed columns. Records of product composition will be sorted in accordance with values of the selected column.


Sort Ascending and Sort Descending
Sets sorting order for the current column of the product composition.


Cancel Sorting
Restores the default order of records.


Alternatively, you can sort records by any of the displayed columns without invoking the contextual menu. Clicking mouse left a column's header sequentially switches sorting of records between following options:

Ascend13x13 ascending order of values in the selected column

Descend13x13 descending order of values in the selected column

   default order.

Applied sorting is indicated by the corresponding icon in column's header.

Grouping records

By default, if representations are not applied, then product composition records are not grouped; if a representation is applied, then records are grouped in accordance with grouping rules set in representation's parameters.


Show Grouping Tool Window
Enables/disables the display of a special panel in the upper part of the window SWProductComposition20x20 Product Composition. To set grouping by a column you need to drag its header to this panel. In result, records of product composition will be grouped in accordance with values in the selected column.


Thus you can sequentially group records by several columns. The hierarchy of grouping is displayed in the grouping tool panel. For instance, if the hierarchy is set as in the picture below, records are grouped first by values of the Description column. Then records within each of resulting groups are additionally split into sub-groups by values of the Part No. column. And records in these sub-groups are grouped by values of the Purchased Items column. Button for changing the order of resulting groups (Ascend13x13 ascending or Descend13x13 descending) are displayed near the name of each group.


Headers can be dragged to any level of hierarchy. The target level is indicated by red arrows.


Group by This Column
Enables grouping of product composition records in accordance with values in the selected column. Applying this command automatically enables the grouping tool display.


Group by Representation Rules
The grouping mode is set from the product composition parameters. Each representation can have its own grouping rules set. Data is not grouped, when the checkbox is disabled. This option can also be used in grouping tool in combination with grouping by columns.

The option is available only in ProductStructureDiff Apply product composition representation mode.

Cancel Grouping
Cancels usage of all groupings rules set in the grouping tool or in the representation.

Appearance of columns

Allows to manage display of cell borders in the Product Composition window.


Specifies alignment of content in the selected column. Alignment is set separately for a value of cell (text) and for an icon of linked object.


Width of columns

Auto width of column
If the checkbox is enabled, then the combined width of all displayed columns always coincides with the width of main section of the SWProductComposition20x20 Product Composition window. Thus, manual stretching of some column leads to automatic shrinking of other columns and vice versa. If the checkbox is disabled, then width of columns doesn't depend on width of the window, which may result in some columns expanding beyond visible area. Use the horizontal scrollbar located at the bottom of the window, in order to access such columns.

Adjust Width
The option is adjusting width of columns to show their full names in the SWProductComposition20x20 Product Composition window. In case of insufficient space the priority goes to the column, whose header was used for command activation.

Product Composition

The Product composition item provides quick access to several commands that also exist in the toolbar.



Product Composition Parameters


Delete Product Composition


Summation Results


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