The command can be called in one of the following ways:
Icon |
Ribbon |
T‑FLEX DOCs > Work with Documents > Save Product to T‑FLEX DOCs |
Keyboard |
Textual Menu |
File > Save Product to T‑FLEX DOCs |
Additionally, the command is available in the toolbar of the Product Composition window.
Using this command, a product composition created in T-FLEX CAD can be saved as a structure in the Product Structure dataset of T-FLEX DOCs.
Only one root element is supported, when saving a product composition to DOCs.
Let's take a look at a simple example. The picture below is an example of the product composition of an assembly unit.
After calling the command Save Product in T-FLEX DOCs, the window appears in which you need to select product compositions to be saved to DOCs. The window contains the list of all product compositions existing in the current T-FLEX CAD document.
Enable checkboxes of desired product compositions and press OK.
If you enable the New Product Composition checkbox, the new composition will be created in the T-FLEX CAD document. The Export product composition to T-FLEX DOCs checkbox will be enabled in parameters of such composition, so this composition will be saved upon saving this assembly to DOCs.
The Position column drop-down list is used for saving an assembly with variations to DOCs.
Next, the Document Saving window appears. Here you should select a folder of the Files dataset, where the current document will be saved. Select the desired folder and press the Save button. The document will be saved at this moment. If you cancel saving of fragment documents or product structure on next steps, it won't cancel the saving of the current document.
After that, a window appears with a list of files of fragments included in to the current document.
The files whose checkboxes are enabled in the first column of the list (Import) will be saved to DOCs along with the current document. They will be linked to corresponding object of product structure created further. The checkboxes are enabled for all files by default, but you can disable them for some files, if necessary.
By default, all fragment files are saved into the same folder, as the current document. You can select a different folder for a file, using the cell of the Folder column. The button in the right part of a cell invokes the path selection drop-down menu. The Save to one folder checkbox at the bottom of the window restores default folder for all files.
You can highlight files in the list using ,
Pressing over a file in the list invokes the contextual menu, which allows to:
Select folder for selected files
Open a window, where you can select a folder for all highlighted files at once.
Select /deselect
Switch the status of the checkbox in the Import column for all highlighted files at once.
Specify desired parameters of saving and press OK. Fragments files will be saved at this moment. If you cancel saving product structure on the next step, it won't cancel the saving of the fragments files.
Then, the product structure saving window appears. On the left side, the source CAD Assembly Structure is displayed, on the right - the resulting DOCs Product Structure.
By default, the order of columns in the product structure saving window is the same, as the order of records in the integration rule. You an change the order of columns, if necessary, by dragging them with mouse with pressed , or using the Show Column Chooser command, which is available in the contextual menu of columns header. The system will remember the specified order for further sessions of working with the window.
Fragments without product composition data are displayed in the product structure saving window by default. In order to display them in the Assembly Structure section of the window, enable the Show all components checkbox below. Then you'll be able to add corresponding product structure objects manually. For such fragments, the Description column will be automatically filled with the names of fragment files.
The method of saving elements belonging to standard parts libraries depends on the status of the following checkbox in parameters of the selected CAD product composition: Don't check file path for belonging to the "Standard parts" configuration while saving product to T-FLEX DOCs. If the checkbox is disabled, elements belonging to standard parts libraries are saved into the Product Structure dataset using the Standard item type, regardless of the content of the Section column in the CAD product composition. If the checkbox is enabled, the type of resulting product structure element depends on the content of said column.
You can manage the resulting product structure using the following buttons:
– adds the selected object of the assembly structure into the product structure.
– creates a new object in the product structure.
– deletes the object selected in the product structure.
– highlights the assembly structure object corresponding to the selected product structure object.
– highlights the product structure object corresponding to the selected assembly structure object..
– manages the errors list (see below).
Values of parameters to be transferred to DOCs can be edit in the right section of the product structure saving window.
The system checks the structure formed in the right section of the product structure saving window and describes errors, which should be noticed by user, e.g. when an object of product structure is checked out for editing by a different user, or when uniqueness parameters are not filled. The list of errors is displayed in the bottom right section of the window. The contextual menu invoked by clicking an error description with allows to
Save the errors list to file or
Show object related to the selected error. The latter may also be done by double clicking a description with
. Object with errors are marked with the
icon in the Warning column. Contextual menu of such objects may contain commands allowing to fix errors. E.g., objects with coinciding or not filled uniqueness parameters are grouped by default, but you can
Ungroup them using the contextual menu.
Following controls are available at the top of the product structure saving window:
•Parent object
Here you can select an existing object of the Product Structure dataset, which the current structure will be attached to as a child. In order to select a parent object from a drop-down menu, press the
button. In order to select a parent object from a separate dialog window, press the
button. If you enable the Remember parent selection checkbox in bottom right corner of the product structure saving window, then the same parent object will be automatically selected
Here you can select a structure type to be assigned to the resulting product structure.
Indicates the design context to be used for the resulting product structure. The design context can be selected in the T-FLEX DOCs Configuration window. It cannot be changed during product structure saving.
•Skip non-editable objects
If this checkbox is enabled, objects belonging to non-editable structure types won't be updated upon saving the current product structure.
Information on structure types and design contexts can be found in the T-FLEX DOCs help system.
If assembly structure contains a record not linked to any element of 3D model or drawing, then assembly file will be attached by default to product structure object based on such record. It is indicated by the icon in the following column: Status of attachment of assembly to part without drawing. In order to detach assembly file from such object, invoke object's contextual menu using
and select the
Detach assembly file command. In result, the icon in the Status of attachment... column will change to
and the command in contextual menu will change to
Add assembly file.
Specify desired parameters in the product structure saving window and press OK. The structure will be saved in the Product Structure dataset of T-FLEX DOCs.
If you change the product composition in T-FLEX CAD, after saving it to T-FLEX DOCs, you need to save it to DOCs again for the changes to affect the corresponding DOCs product structure.