Using T-FLEX DOCs Fragments in Assemblies

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A T-FLEX DOCs file can be inserted into the current T-FLEX CAD document as a fragment in following ways:


Press and hold mouse left at an object linked to a T-FLEX CAD file in a window of any T-FLEX DOCs dataset. Keep holding mouse left and move the cursor over a drawing window or 3D scene window. Then release mouse left. Depending on a window the file was dragged into, either the ArrayFragments24x24 Insert 3D Fragment or 2DFragment20x20 Insert 2D Fragment command will be launched automatically, and the file linked to the selected object will be used as a fragment.

DOCsInsert20x20 Insert Document command




T-FLEX DOCs > Work with Documents > Insert Document


Textual Menu



Upon calling the command, the window is displayed, where you should select a file.


By default, files are selected from the DOCsFilesNew20x20 Files dataset. The Dataset drop-down list located at the top of the window contains following options::

Opens the dataset selection window. You should only select those datasets, whose objects are linked to objects of the DOCsFilesNew20x20 Files dataset. Selecting objects from such datasets results in using a linked file from the DOCsFilesNew20x20 Files dataset. If you select some other dataset, objects selection will be unavailable and the selection window will contain the following message: "Object has no links to "Files" dataset".

Along with the DOCsInsert20x20 Insert Document command, this window is also used by other commands. The content of the list of datasets is the same for all commands.


Deletes all manually added datasets from the list.

Select the desired dataset and press the Open button. The ArrayFragments24x24 Insert 3D Fragment command will be launched and the selected file will be automatically used as a fragment.

ArrayFragments24x24 Insert 3D Fragment command

Within the integration mode the standard ArrayFragments24x24 Insert 3D Fragment command allows to manually select a T-FLEX DOCs file as a fragment. To do so, use either the DOCsInsert20x20 T-FLEX DOCs... option in the drop-down menu invoked by pressing the clip0646 Select in dialog button in command's parameters window, or the following automenu option, which is available when a fragment is not selected:



Select T-FLEX DOCs Document

If some other fragment selection option was used previously, then the option mentioned above will be hidden within a drop-down list. The list can be invoked by holding mouse left over the last used fragment selection option in automenu.


In both cases, the DOCs file selection window will appear, same as described above for the DOCsInsert20x20 Insert Document command.

If some DOCs fragments were previously used in the current CAD session, then last used fragments will be available for selection in both drop-down lists.

Upon selecting a fragment file, the links to the selected file will be shown in the Basic Parameters tab of command's parameters window. The upper link points to the location of the file in the DOCs DOCsFilesNew20x20 Files dataset. The <*T-FLEX DOCs*> elements of the link refers to the top level of the dataset, and the rest of the link represents the path to the file within dataset's folders structure. The lower link points to the local version of the file in local DOCs folder. If you select an object from any other dataset, its linked file from the DOCsFilesNew20x20 Files dataset will be used as a fragment. A link to a DOCs file can also be typed in manually via keyboard. If you type in a wrong link, the system will provide a message: "File does not exist. Continue?". The negative answer continues the link input, the positive answer clears the link.


Upon selecting a fragment file, the command is handled in the same way, as outside the DOCs integration mode.

2DFragment20x20 Insert 2D Fragment command

Within the integration mode the 2DFragment20x20 Insert 2D Fragment command allows to manually select a T-FLEX DOCs file as a fragment. It can be done in the same way, as described above for the ArrayFragments24x24 Insert 3D Fragment command. The difference is that the DOCs document selection option has different hotkey:



Выбрать документ T-FLEX DOCs

Upon selecting a fragment file, the command is handled in the same way, as outside the DOCs integration mode.

See Also:

Saving Product Composition to T-FLEX DOCs

Bottom-Up Assembly Design

Inserting Fragments into Drawing