Exporting/Importing Files in T-FLEX DOCs

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Within the integration mode T‑FLEX CAD can export to T‑FLEX DOCs or import from T‑FLEX DOCs files in formats of other applications.

Export to DOCs




T‑FLEX DOCs > Import/Export > Export (T‑FLEX DOCs)


Textual Menu


File > Export (T‑FLEX DOCs)

The command allows you to save the current T-FLEX CAD document into the DOCsFilesNew20x20 Files dataset of T-FLEX DOCs in format of other application.

Upon calling the command, the list of available export formats appears, same as when exporting outside the DOCs integration mode. Select the desired format by double-clicking it mouse leftmouse left.


In result, the DOCsFilesNew20x20 Files dataset window will appear, where you have to specify a target folder for the resulting file.


Following controls are available in the lower section of the window:

Here you can type a name of the resulting file. Default name coincides with the name of the current T-FLEX CAD document.

Here you can type an additional information, which can be viewed in the Comment section of resulting file's properties.

File type
Here you can change the exporting format.

Upon pressing the Save button, parameters of export appear in the SWParameters20x20 parameters tool window. The set of available parameters depends on the selected format. When exporting to DOCs, you can customize the same parameters, as when exporting outside the integration mode

The detailed information on parameters of export for each format can be found in the Exporting Documents chapter.

Import from DOCs




T‑FLEX DOCs > Import/Export > Import (T‑FLEX DOCs)


Textual Menu


File > Import (T‑FLEX DOCs)

The command imports data from a file of external application's format saved in the T-FLEX DOCs into the current T-FLEX CAD document.

In order to import data into a new document, use the DOCsOpenFrom20x20 Open from T‑FLEX DOCs command.

Upon calling the command, the window appears, where you should select a file to be imported.


By default, files are selected from the DOCsFilesNew20x20 Files dataset. The Dataset drop-down list located at the top of the window contains following options::

Opens the dataset selection window. You should only select those datasets, whose objects are linked to objects of the DOCsFilesNew20x20 Files dataset. Selecting objects from such datasets results in importing a linked file from the DOCsFilesNew20x20 Files dataset. If you select some other dataset, objects selection will be unavailable and the selection window will contain the following message: "Object has no links to "Files" dataset".

Along with the DOCsImport20x20 Import (T-FLEX DOCs) command, this window is also used by other commands. The content of the list of datasets is the same for all commands.


Deletes all manually added datasets from the list.

Upon selecting a file to be imported, an import parameters window appears. The set of available parameters depends on the selected format. When importing from DOCs, you can customize the same parameters, as when importing outside the integration mode

The detailed information on parameters of import for each format can be found in the Importing Documents chapter.