Export of Product Composition

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Following commands can be used for exporting a product composition to an external format:


Export Product Composition to Excel


Export Product Composition to XML


Export Product Composition to CSV

These commands are available in the toolbar in the top of the SWProductComposition20x20 Product Composition window, in contextual menus of product composition record and in contextual menu of column's header.


When exporting to the Excel format, a dialog appears, where you can set following parameters:


Visible columns only
If the checkbox is disabled, all product composition columns will be exported, regardless of their visibility. If the checkbox is enabled, only columns currently visible in the SWProductComposition20x20 Product Composition window will be exported.

Export hierarchy
If the checkbox is enabled, the resulting table will contain additional columns: ID (identifier of current record's linked object) and ParentID (identifier of parent record's linked object).

Visualize hierarchy
If the checkbox is enabled, the resulting table will contain the additional column - Hierarchy, which schematically represents the product composition records tree.


Show titles of groups
If the checkbox is enabled, the resulting table will contain additional column _Header_1 with names of records groups.  This option is available, only if a representation is applied RepresentationEnabled22x22.

Decimal separator
The symbol separating the integral and fractional parts of numerical values can be selected in the drop-down list When using the None option, the initial separator is kept.

If export is used in ProductStructureDiff Apply product composition representation mode, the Show titles of sections flag will appear. These titles will be added to the additional column of the resulting excel table.

After that you can specify file name, folder and necessary Excel format - .XLSX or .XLS.


Export to XML is done without any settings.


When exporting to the CSV format, a dialog appears, where you can set the same parameters, as when exporting to Excel, and following additional parameters:


Text values in quotes
If the checkbox is enabled, textual values are put into single or double quotes, e.g.: 'Part 1' or "Part 1". Quote type can be selected in the drop-down list below.

Quote type
Type of quotes to be used for the Text of values in quotes option.

Field Separator
When exporting to CSV, values of all cells in a row of product composition table are output as a single row of symbols. The symbol selected in the drop-down list of this parameter will separate value of adjacent cells from each other.


See Also:

Saving Product Composition to T-FLEX DOCs