Representation is a set of rules of displaying data in the Product Composition window. Reports can be based on representations. One product composition may have several representations that correspond to different report tables. Representations can be created and customized on the Representations tab of the
Product Composition Parameters and
Product Composition Types windows.
All the conditions specified on Representations tab work only in Apply product composition representation mode. In order to select a representation to be applied, use the drop-down list, located in the upper panel of the
Product Composition window.
The Representations tab is split vertically into two sections. The top section contains the list of representations. The bottom section contains following tabs:
Upper section of the Representations tab contains the list of representations created for the current product composition. rows of the list can be selected using . Selected row gets highlighted. Following commands are available in the toolbar above the list:
Add <Ctrl>+<N>
Adds a new representation to the bottom of the list.
Delete <Del>
Deletes selected representation.
Copy <Ctrl>+<C>
Copies selected representation into clipboard.
Paste <Ctrl>+<V>
Pastes a representation from clipboard.
Up and
Move selected representation up or down the list. The order of representations defines the order in the drop-down list of the Product Composition window.
Some of the mentioned commands are also available in the contextual menu of a representation.
Following parameters are displayed in the list for each representation:
Name of a representation. Upon adding a new representation, you can type in as a name any arbitrary set of symbols via keyboard. In order to rename an existing representation, double-click its name.
Consider records hierarchy while grouping
The rest of the parameters of the representation selected in the list can be customized in the bottom section of the Representations tab.
When applying a representation records can be united into groups by some criteria. In the Product Composition window a group can be folded or unfolded by clicking the
button located near the name of the group.
Grouping Rules are specified individually for each representation in the eponymous sub-tab of the Representations tab.
The Grouping Rules sub-tab is split vertically into two sections. The upper section contains the list of grouping rules. The lower section is in turn split into two sub-tabs:
•Properties of Grouping Rule
Defines criteria of grouping records by the rule selected in the list above. The content of this sub-tab depends on the type of rule.
Defines order of records in the group formed by the rule selected in the list above
Each row in the list represents a particular rule of uniting product composition records into a group.
A name of a group is defined by a name of a grouping rule. You can use multiple rules under the same name. If eponymous rules are positioned next to each other in the list, then they will add records into the same group, otherwise separate groups with same names will be created.
Order of rules in the list defines order of their application. Rules are applied sequentially. The first rule gets applied first and puts some records into a group. Next, the second rule gets applied to records, that were not grouped by the first rule, and puts some of them into a group. Then, the third rule gets applied to records, that were not grouped by the first and second rules, and so on.
The order of groups in the Product Composition window reflects the order of their creation. For example, if rules in the list have the order A, B, C, A, and record were grouped by the three latter rules, while the first one didn't find any applicable records, then the groups will be ordered as B, C, A.
Rules can be selected in the list using . Row of selected rule gets highlighted. Tabs below the list contain properties of the selected rule and methods of sorting records within the resulting group. Buttons of following commands are located to the right of the list of rules:
Add <Ctrl>+<N>
Adds a new rule. Upon calling this command, a pop-up appears, where you have to select a type of rule. Rules of the By condition type are added to the top of the list, other types - to the bottom.
Delete <Del>
Deletes selected rule.
Copy <Ctrl>+<C>
Copies selected rule into clipboard.
Paste <Ctrl>+<V>
Pastes a rule from clipboard.
Up and
Move selected rule up or down the list.
Following properties are displayed in the list for each rule:
Group visibility
If the checkbox is disabled, then the result group and all its records won't be displayed in the Product Composition window, upon applying the representation.
Name of the rule and the resulting group. Upon creating a new rule, you can type in any arbitrary set of symbols as its name. If you need to rename an existing rule, double-click its name.
The method of grouping records.The content of the Properties of Grouping Rule tab depends on the selected type. Description of available types and their properties can be found below.
If the Use for positions assignment checkbox is enabled, then position numbers are assigned to those records, whose groups are formed by rules with the Positions checkbox enabled. If the Use for positions assignment checkbox is disabled, then position numbers are not assigned, regardless of the status of the Positions checkbox.
By default, this checkbox is disabled, so position numbers in the current group continue the numbering of the previous group. If you enable this checkbox, then the numbering in the current group won't depend on the numbering of previous groups and won't affect the numbering of following groups. Regardless of the status of this checkbox, the numbers are assigned, only if the Positions and Use for positions assignment checkboxes are enabled.
Difference between numbers of adjacent positions..
•Skip before and Skip after
By default both parameters have zero values, so the positions numbering in the first group starts with 0, and numbering in following groups starts with the next number from the last one of the previous group. If you set other values, then the specified number of positions will be left unassigned before the first and after the last position of the current group.
Example. We have two groups of records. The group 1 contains 10 records, its Skip before parameter is set to 10, Skip after - 3. The group 2 contains some records, Its Skip before parameter is set to 2. In result, in the group 1 the position number of the first record will be 11, of the last record - 20. Then 5 numbers will be left unassigned, because the Skip after value of the first group (3) is combined with the Skip before value of the second group (2). Therefore, in the group 2 the position number of the first record will be 26.
Types and Properties of Grouping Rules
The following types of grouping rules are available:
•By condition
Upon selecting this type of rule, you should specify one or several conditions of uniting elements into the corresponding group. Conditions are defined below in the Properties of Grouping Rule tab in the same way, as when filtering data sources. The only difference is that the Parameter drop-down list contains names of columns of the product composition.
•By parameter
Upon selecting this type of rule, you should select a name of a column in the Parameters for groups recording drop-down list located below in the Properties of Grouping Rule tab. Records will be grouped according to the values in this column.
If records have hierarchy, then such grouping rule will work correctly only of the Consider records hierarchy while grouping checkbox is disabled. In such case the representation will only contain records of the top level of hierarchy. If records have hierarchy and the checkbox is enabled, then the representation will be empty upon applying this rule.
Below the Parameters for groups recording drop-down list there is the list sorting rules, which define order of resulting groups. Sorting rules here are set in the same way as for order of records within a group.
•By BOM sections
Product composition records will be grouped by BOM sections. Each section is included into a separate group. BOM sections are defined in BOM sections command.
•By default
Unites all records into one group. This rule is recommended to be used last in the list, in order to group records not grouped by other rules
You can specify common properties of representation in this tab tab.
By default
If this checkbox is enabled, the current representation will be used by default for reports creation. If the checkbox is enabled for multiple representations, the representation positioned higher in the list of representations will be used as the default one. If the By default checkbox is disabled for all representations, then the highest representation with the Use for positions assignment checkbox enabled will be used as the default one. If both mentioned checkboxes are disabled for all representations, then the representation positioned at the top of the list of representations will be used as the default one.
Consider records hierarchy while grouping
If this checkbox is enabled, the grouping will be performed separately on each level of hierarchy. It allows to assign positions and receive reports for different “branches” of the product composition tree if necessary. This checkbox is not available when Use for variant reports checkbox is active.
Important! It is required the top level record of the product composition tree to be included into reports of the current document for correct data processing in this mode. In standard BoM the top level record is not included into representations by default due to filtering by level of hierarchy.
Ignore option “Include in Report/BOM”
If this checkbox is enabled, then records will be included into the current representation regardless of status of their Include in Report/BOM of current document column.
A filter to be applied to the current representation can be selected in the drop-down list. The list contains filters created in the Filters tab.
Synonym Name
You can specify a synonym name for the representation. The synonym name is used when generating names of summation results.
Use for positions assignment
If this checkbox is enabled, positions for records in this representation are assigned automatically. If a representation contains grouping rules, then positions are only assigned in those groups, whose grouping rules have the Positions checkbox enabled. Positions might be assigned in various columns depending on the parameters described below. If the Use for positions assignment checkbox is disabled, then positions will not be assigned in this representation, regardless of status of the Positions checkbox for grouping rules.
Use “Position” column
If this checkbox is enabled, the position is assigned in the Position service column. If this checkbox is disabled, the position is assigned in the column selected in Column for position drop-down list.
If this checkbox is disabled, and at the same time a column for position is not selected, then positions won't be displayed in product composition.
This checkbox only controls the selection of output column, while the positions assignment capability itself is controlled by the Use for positions assignment checkbox.
If multiple representations of the same composition use the same column for positions assignment, then the system displays an error message. The Position service column is called _Position in the text of the message.
Column for position
In the drop-down list, you can select the column in which the positions of this representation will be displayed. The parameter is available only when the Use “Position” column checkbox is disabled.
Use for variant reports
If this checkbox is enabled, the representation data is processed in a specific way to generate a variant report. Report type can be selected from the Type of variant report drop-down list.
More information about variant reports can be found in Variant Report / BOM Creation chapter.
Consider variations when assigning positions
If this checkbox is enabled, then assignment of positions for group reports will take into account the occurrence of the record in the variation product composition.
The Properties sub-tab of the Representations tab contains same checkboxes, as the Report Options group of parameters in the Properties tab displayed on the top level of the Product Composition Parameters and
Product Composition Types windows. The difference is that the top-level Properties tab defines parameters of displaying records in the
Product Composition window for the current composition in general with no representation applied
, while the Properties sub-tab of the Representations tab defines parameters of displaying records with the current representation applied
. Current representation is the one selected in the list above.
Checkboxes in this sub-tab may have following statuses:
- status of the checkbox for the current representation is defined by the status of the similar checkbox for the current composition in general;
- the checkbox is enabled for the current representation and doesn't depend on the similar checkbox for the current composition in general;
- the checkbox is disabled for the current representation and doesn't depend on the similar checkbox for the current composition in general.
The Columns sub-tab of the Representations tab contains the same list of product composition columns, as the Columns tab displayed on the top level of the Product Composition Parameters and
Product Composition Types windows.
For each column the list displays the Name and following checkboxes:
Show column in Product Composition window
Sum values when merging records
Ignore parameter when comparing records to merge
Unlike the top-level Columns tab, this one doesn't allow to change column's Name or invoke column's properties dialog.
Checkboxes in the top-level Columns tab define parameters of displaying columns in the Product Composition window for the current composition in general with no representation applied
, while the Columns sub-tab of the Representations tab defines parameters of displaying columns with the current representation applied
. Current representation is the one selected in the list above.
Checkboxes in this sub-tab may have following statuses:
- status of the checkbox for the current representation is defined by the status of the similar checkbox for the current composition in general;
- the checkbox is enabled for the current representation and doesn't depend on the similar checkbox for the current composition in general;
- the checkbox is disabled for the current representation and doesn't depend on the similar checkbox for the current composition in general.
Topics in this section: