Service Columns of of Product Composition

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In addition to columns created and customized by the user, each product composition always contains service columns automatically created by the system. Such columns are not displayed in the Columns tab of the Parameters20x20 Product Composition Parameters and PCTypes20x20 Product Composition Types windows, so their properties cannot be customized. Following service columns are available:

Show Linked Object
Contains a name of an element, which is used as data source for the current record. If a record is based on a fragment, then an icon of fragment's document is displayed near the name. If a record is based on element of other type, or if a fragment doesn't have custom icon, then an icon of element's type is displayed near the name. If a record is not linked to any element, the column is empty.

Position1_20x20 Position
Contains a record's position number, which can be placed on the drawing. Numbering method depends on various parameters of product composition.

IncludeInReport20x20 Include in Report/BOM of current document
If you disable this checkbox, the record won't be included into any reports/BoMs of current document.

IncludeInAssy20x20 Include in assembly
If you disable this checkbox, then, upon insertion of the current document into an assembly as a fragment, the selected record of fragment's product composition won't be included into assembly's product compositions, regardless of fragment's inclusion parameters.

The Show Linked Object column has no category.

Other service columns have the Inclusion Data category.



See Also:

BOM Sections