Filter of Selection by Geometric Type

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An expanded selection filter within geometric types is now available in 3D modelling operations at the stage of selecting geometric objects. This means that it is now much more comfortable to find the necessary object with the cursor. E.g. when it is necessary to specify a point in the middle of the edge, you can set selecting only edges in the binding filter and specify Edge middle in the geometric objects filter.


Then all the other variants of selecting points and edges become unavailable and do not disturb.

Every geometric type has its own selection setting list. Geometric types can be seen in the left part of the filter panel. Geometric type selection setting is available automatically with the relevant geometric types set. E.g. a geometric type Axis with its own list of the objects available for selection appears automatically in the Rotation operation at the stage of rotation axis selection.


Another set of available geometric types is in the 3D Node operation: Point, Wire, Surface, Sheet, Solid. There is a list of objects for Point and Wire geometric types.


To open the geometric type object list, press the triangle near the icon of the geometric type.