Additional Features of Sweep

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The parameter sets the accuracy to the created surface – the deviation of the resulting surface from the exact solution. Measured in meters.

Simplify geometry

This setting allows you to create analytical surfaces (planes, cylinders, spheres and tori) where possible. When this option is disabled, an exact spline surface is always created. Modeling with analytical surfaces is more efficient - the model takes up less memory, algorithms for working with such surfaces are processed faster.

Check Self-intersections

This parameter allows the user to correct certain cases of self-intersections occurring upon operation creation

Start Point on Trajectory

The parameter is intended for cases of using a closed trajectory, when the start point is not clearly defined. When the flag is enabled, the start point (from which the body will be created along the trajectory) is automatically selected as the point on the trajectory closest to the contour.


1. Contour

2. Trajectory

3. Source start point

4. Start point on trajectory



The Use Manipulators flag allows you to activate manipulators in the 3D scene for dynamic control of body parameters.