Deformation by Surface

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Calling the command:




3D Model > Special > Deformation > Deformation by Surface


Textual Menu


Operation > Deformation > Deformation by Surface

In the deformation by surface the deformation law is defined by two surfaces: the source and the target one. The deformation function is constructed in such a way that the source surface is reflected onto the target one.

In general case, the source and the target surfaces may not belong to the deformed body. In practice, however, it is often convenient to choose one of the faces of the deformed body to be the source surface. In this case, the deformation function is constructed in such a way as to provide the «bend» of the deformed body onto the target surface.

clip4741   clip4742

A solid or a surface body can be selected as the deformed body.

The source and the target surfaces can be specified by face, 3D profile or a surface body. The surface body, specified as the source body, must consists of one face. For defining the target surface, the polyhedral surface body can be used, however, its faces must have a continuous joint on the tangent plane.

For a source surface, it is not recommended to select surfaces with a complicated geometry, for example, faces with a picture “pressed out” on them. When transforming such face to the target one, the loss of the face geometry may occur. In such cases, as a source surface, it is better to define, for example, the 3D profile drawn in the plane containing the boundaries of the complicated face.

For defining the deformation function more precisely, base points are specified on the source and the target surfaces. For each surface, three points lying on the surface are specified. The points can be specified with the help of 3D nodes, vertices or other 3D objects capable of defining a 3D point. The specified points are not supposed to lie on the same line. The order in which the points on the source and the target surfaces are specified has to coincide.

Two transformation methods are used when performing the deformation by surface:

By parameters – transformation with superposition of the base points of the surfaces. With that deformation method, the points on the source surface exactly go into the points on the target surface. When using this method, the target surface cannot have more than one face;

With minimal distortions – transformation with preserved geometric distances between points of the source surface. This method gives minimal distortions, if the distances between the first two points on the source and the resulting surfaces coincide. If the distances do not coincide, the distances are recalculated with the corresponding similarity factor. The distances are measured as the lengths of the normal sections.

The method “with minimal distortions” can be applied in cases when the target surface consists of a collection of faces (surface body). It provides the superposition without irregularities which are common for the interior surface parameterization.


 By parameters                                With minimal distortions

When creating the deformation by surface, the offset from the target surface can be specified. In this case, upon forming the deformation function, the source surface will be transformed not to the target surface, but to the equidistant to it surface with the specified offset.


 Without offset                                        With offset

As a result of the deformation, the resulting body may turn out to lie on either side of the target (or equidistant to it) surface. The placement of the body can be quickly changed with the help of the button in the command's parameters window.


Creating Deformation by Surface

To create deformation by surface, it is necessary to:

1.Select deformed body;

2.Select the source surface of deformation;

3.Define the base points on the source surface;

4.Select the target surface of deformation;

5.Define the base points on the target surface;

6.Specify deformation method (By parameters or With minimal distortions);

7.Specify offset (if necessary);

8.Complete operation creation by pressing AutomenuOk1.

Selection of Deformed Body and Source Surface

After invoking the command, in the automenu the options for specifying necessary initial data will appear. For selection of the deformed body, the following option is used:



Select Body to Deform

This option is turned on by default upon the entry into the command. The deformed body is selected with the help of Левый клик Текст in the 3D window or in the tree of the 3D model. The selected body is highlighted.

After that, the system will prompt the user to select the source surface of deformation:



Select Source Surface

The drop down list of this option contains the list of 3D elements capable of defining the source surface of deformation: face, surface body, 3D profile. The selected surface will be marked in the 3D scene.

Selection of Correspondence Points on Deformed Body and Source Surface

After selection of the source surface, the options for selecting three base points of the source surface will be successively activated in the automenu:



Select First Point on Source Surface



Select Second Point on Source Surface



Select Third Point on Source Surface

The drop down lists of these options contain filters for selection of the 3D elements capable of defining a 3D point.

For specifying the target surface, the following option of the automenu is used (it becomes active automatically after specifying the base points of the source surface):



Select Target Surface

This option also has a drop down list with the filters for selection of the different types of the 3D elements capable of defining a surface.

After selection of the target surface, its base points need to be specified successively:



Select First Point on Target Surface



Select Second Point on Target Surface



Select Third Point on Target Surface

Specifying Deformation Parameters


The deformation mode is selected in the Mode drop-down list in the command's parameters window.


The offset of the source surface with respect to the target one is specified with the help of the Offset parameter. The placement of the deformed body with respect to the target surface can be changed with the help of the button FlipDirection found in the  command's parameters window (to the left of the Offset parameter).