Document Tabs

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Command call:




Get Started > Options > Customize > Interface Elements > Document Tabs

View > Window > Document Tabs

SettingsIcon > Interface Elements > Document Tabs


Textual Menu


Customize > Tool Windows > Document Tabs

The command enables/disables displaying of document tabs.

By default the document tabs are enabled and located above the upper border of the document window. Their location can be changed if desired. For that, it is necessary to point at the tab of any document with the cursor and click Правый клик Текст. The contextual menu appears, where you need to select the Placement item.

The name of the document is shown on the tab. If document contains unsaved changes, the asterisk * is added in front of the name.

Clicking the CloseTab15x15 button located in the right side of the tab closes the corresponding document window. The document window can also be closed by clicking mouse middle 26x30 on its tab.

Clicking Левый клик Текст on a tab switches the view to the corresponding document. Tabs can be reordered by dragging the desired tab while holding Левый клик Текст.

Contextual menu of a document tab


The contextual menu of a document tab contains following options:

Close Document
Closes all windows of the corresponding document in all main windows of the current session.

Close Window
Closes the corresponding document window.

Close All Windows
Closes all document windows in all main windows of the current session.

Show in Explorer
Opens the folder of the document in Windows Explorer.

Copy Full File Path
Copies in to the clipboard the path to the document file.

Hide Document Tabs
Disables document tabs and applies the Cascade command.

Allows you to select the position of the tabs - at the bottom of the document window or at the top.

Invokes the Windows List.

Fixed width
Sets the same width to all opened tabs.

New main window
Allows to create a New main window and copy the selected tab into it.

Move to main window
Allows to transfer tabs between main windows.

Document drop-down

When document tabs are enabled, the Dropdown15x15 button is displayed in the right side of the document tabs bar. Clicking Левый клик текст this button invokes the drop-down list of all document windows present in the current main window. Clicking Левый клик текст on a document in the list allows to switch to its window.


When tab groups are enabled, each group has its own document drop-down.

Document Windows appearance with enabled/disabled Document Tabs

The appearance of open document windows with enabled tabs is different from that with disabled tabs.

When tabs are on, the windows of open documents occupy the whole space of the T-FLEX CAD main window's working area. The active window, (i.e. the window of the current document) is on the top of other document windows.

When the tabs are enabled, it is not possible to minimize the document window or change its size.

When the tabs are disabled, document windows can be in one of the three states:

Maximized (expanded). The document window occupies the whole working area of the T-FLEX CAD main window and doesn't have the header. The name of the active document appears only in the header of the T-FLEX CAD main window.

Minimized (collapsed). The window shrinks to a small header bar with the name of the document and system buttons for controlling the window.

Arbitrary. The window has a smaller size than T-FLEX CAD main window's working area. It has a header, in which the name of the document is shown.

Regardless of the window size, with the disabled tabs, the document window has three buttons enabling to control its state or close it.

DocumentTab5 06S_WindowControlButtons2

When the window is maximized, these buttons are located under the respective ones of the application main window. Pay attention as to what button to use when closing a window.

Main window control buttons


Document window control buttons

An alternative way of maximizing a window is double-clicking Левый клик Текст on the window header.

If a window has a header bar, that is, it is not maximized, then the window management context menu can be called by pointing at the icon at the left end of the header bar and clicking Левый клик Текст.

When a window has an arbitrary size, such size can be modified. Simply move the cursor over any window edge until it changes to a double-headed arrow, then hold Левый клик Текст and drag the edge of the window to the desired size.