Holes Through Multiple Bodies

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Holes can be cut through several solid bodies at once. Such sets of holes create multi-body operations.

To use each model body separately in the future, use Divide operation after creating the holes.


1. A set of holes created through one body

2. A set of holes through multiple bodies

Creating holes through multiple bodies at same time

You can select additional bodies using the option:



Select additional bodies

Bodies can be selected both in the model tree and directly in the 3D scene.

It is not recommended to select the parent operation of the already selected body as an additional body in the model tree, because in this case a copy of this operation will be created.

The option allows you to cancel the selection of bodies:



Cancel additional bodies selection

You can create coaxial holes in several bodies or fragments and such holes will not be united in one resulting body. Use the Create coaxial holes CreateCooHoles option for this purpose.




Create coaxial holes



A separate hole will be created for each of the bodies.


Parameterization is supported at the level of general variables. That is, if you set the hole sizes through variables, then these variables will be saved for each of the holes.