Name Customization for 3D Elements

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The T-FLEX CAD allows you to configure names of 3D elements and 3D operations. Default names are stored in a special configuration file called OperNames.ini, located in the Program folder (by default C:/Program Files/T‑FLEX CAD 17/Program). Each row in the OperNames.ini looks like this:

OperationName = "Name of Operation"

Where OperationName - non-customizable internal identifier of operation, Name of Operation - name assigned by default to elements created by this operation.

The name of the 3D element displayed in CAD interface is formed as follows: Name of Operation_# (the number # is a number equal to the number of elements of this type existing in the model at the time of its creation).

For example: 3D node_1, Extrusion_0, and so on.

If necessary, you can change the contents of this file by entering your own default names for 3D elements.

For example, in order to get Revolve_# instead of Rotation_# you need to edit opernames.ini file and change the Rotation = "Rotation" row to Rotation = "Revolve".




You can change name of an already created element in its parameters dialog.


Upon creating operations or performing measurements it is possible to select elements by name. It can be done by typing the name of the desired element into fields for selecting geometrical inputs in the parameters window of an active operation. You can also search elements by names in the command standby mode using the Find command or search toolbars. Named elements retain their names when new operations are created based on them.