Creating Bridge

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The parameters window and automenu are used for working with the command and setting the required parameters simultaneously. It is convenient to change the parameters in the dynamic mode due to using special graphic objects  – manipulators and marks, which appear automatically in 3D window after selecting the elements. These objects enable users to quickly evaluate and change the operation result.

Follow these steps to create the operation:

Select the edges of the first chain

Select the edges of the second chain

Select boundary faces of both chains

Specify boundary conditions

Specify flow direction

Set indentation parameters

Set result parameters

Confirm operation creation

Selection of chain edges

The operation setting starts with selecting the edges between which the transition surface is to be built. The set of edges for the first or the second chain is formed when one of the following automenu options is active:



Add Edges to the First Chain



Add Edges to the Second Chain

Press the automenu icon and switch between the options.

Select the edge from the 3D window using the mouse.

The selected edges of every chain are shown in the lists in the corresponding tabs of the parameters window. Switching between the lists in the parameters window activates corresponding automenu options.

To delete the edge selected from the list, use Delete MenucancelNew1 button.


By default the following option is enabled:



Smooth Edge Chain Selection Mode

In this case it is sufficient to specify any edge of the chain to automatically select all the sequence. If you want to select the edges separately, disable the option.

A boundary face is automatically set for every edge, and the transition surface is built connected to it. Select another boundary face for an edge in the 3D window, enabling the option:



Select Boundary Face

Use Reverse direction parameter to change the transition surface orientation in the selected chain. There is a mark BridgeIcon1 in the 3D window representing this parameter.

A special mark in the 3D window breaks the closed contour of the chain and determines the circumvention direction. It has three states: Closed BridgeIcon2, Open – Forward direction BridgeIcon3, Open – Reverse direction BridgeIcon4.

Defining Boundary Conditions

Continuity parameter determines a continuity condition for every chain. A mark corresponding to this parameter is used for working in the dynamic mode in the 3D window: G0 BridgeIcon5, G1 BridgeIcon6, G2 BridgeIcon7.


Continuity conditions G1 and G2 suppose setting Tangent Magnitude parameter. A manipulator looking like a red arrow whose value is shown in the parameters window is used in the 3D window for that purpose. By default, the value is equal to 1.

Reverse direction parameter changes the contact direction of the transition surface and the initial chain. This parameter is represented with the BridgeIcon8 mark in the 3D window.

Defining of Flow Direction

Flow direction of the initial chains with the transition one is determined by the corresponding parameter in the parameters window. By default the value is Auto.

To control tangent in the selected end point of the chain, use the following option




Select Vertex for Tangent Direction Precise Definition

After you select the point, there appears a manipulator in the 3D window that controls the generatrix tangent module value in that point. To conjugate Perpendicular and Isoparametric surfaces there appears an additional manipulator of tangent deflection from the initial position angle.

Setting Indentation Parameters

Start and end shifts from the end points of both chains are set with the help of the manipulators or by entering the values in the parameters window. The value can be set as a percentage from the boundary edge length, in the units of measurement or can be defined by the geometric point within the edge. The point is selected in the 3D window.

To synchronize shift values of the corresponding chain points it is necessary to enable MenuSnap parameter for the selected point of any chain.

The transition surface boundary indent from the chain limit in the direction of the boundary surface is set by a manipulator looking like a blue arrow in the 3D window showing Offset parameter.


Setting Result Parameters

To sew the transition surface with the initial chains into one surface body, use the Sew surfaces parameter which can be found in the General parameters tab in the parameters window.
