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Edit > Additional > Purge

Workplane > Additional > Purge


Textual Menu


Edit > Purge

The Purge command can be used for deleting all 2D or 3D construction elements that were used neither for creating graphic lines of the 2D drawing nor for operations. Upon calling the command, a list of unused elements automatically marked for deletion appears in the Parameters window. Each row of the list contains an element type icon, a name of element and a checkbox. The Location (i.e. name of a workplane, 2D projection or drawing page, which the element belongs to) is additionally displayed for 2D elements. Checkbox is used to control deletion of this particular element. It's enabled by default, so corresponding element is subject to deletion. Disabling this checkbox leads to corresponding element not being deleted. Element types checkboxes are available over the top of the list. Enabling or disabling them adds to or removes from the list all unused elements belonging to the corresponding type.


Nomenclature of available checkboxes depends on types of unused element existing in current file. Following types of elements might be available:

3D Nodes;

3D Paths;

3D Profiles;


2D Nodes;

Unused 2D Copies - copies, that are not displayed on a drawing sheet but remain in model elements after lowering the number of copies in array’s parameters;


Other 2D Elements  - graphic lines on WP and other 2D elements apart from construction lines and nodes;

Invisible Variables - expressions with no name;

Visible Unused Variables - all visible variables not used in model or drawing (except variables marked as Hidden in the variable Editor)

Other Unused Elements

2D window elements are considered unused if none of the drawing lines or other graphic elements use them.

Named 2D elements (the ones with the name defined manually) are not deleted.

3D window elements are considered unused if none of the operations use them.

Buttons allowing to Purge4 Select All, Purge3 Clear All or Purge2 Invert Selection relating to the available checkboxes nomenclature are located to the right side of element type checkboxes.

To the right side of the list of deleted elements the Purge5 Information about selected element button is available, as well as buttons allowing to Purge4 Select All, Purge3 Clear All or Purge2 Invert Selection within the list of elements.


Only on Active View checkbox is located under the list of deleted elements.

The way of its operation depends on the active object in the 2D or 3D window.

Enabling the checkbox upon calling the command from the 3D window in the Draw on Workplane mode clears the list.

Enabling the checkbox upon calling the command from the 3D window outside the Draw on Workplane mode excludes from the list all elements existing only in 2D window.

Enabling the checkbox upon calling the command from the 2D window with no active view clears the list.

Enabling the checkbox upon calling the command from the 2D window with an active view excludes from the list all elements not related to the active view.