Export to Rhino Model

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Upon calling the command, the standard file selection window appears, where you should specify the name and location of the resulting file. Then the export parameters dialog appears.


Export options for this format specify types of T-FLEX CAD elements for exporting to Rhino model:

Solids and Surfaces
When this checkbox is enabled, all visible solid and surface bodies will be exported.

3D Profiles
If this checkbox is enabled, 3D profiles are exported as Rhino curves. It also allows to use the additional option:

oClosed 3D Profiles as Sheet Bodies
If this checkbox is enabled, Rhino surfaces will be generated instead of curves-bounds for the closed 3D Profiles.

3D Paths
When this checkbox is enabled, 3D Paths and routes will be exported as Rhino curves.

Visible only
This option controls 3D Profiles, Routes and 3D Paths to be exported. When this checkbox is enabled only visible objects will be exported. Solid and surface bodies are not affected.