Upon calling the command, the standard file selection window appears, where you should specify the name and location of the resulting file. Then the export parameters dialog appears. Similar dialogs are used for STEP and IGES formats.
By default, the new protocol AP214 is enabled. The old AP203 version of the protocol does not support color, but provides compatibility with old versions of CAD systems.
Data Organization
Following modes are available
The model is exported with assembly hierarchy, if such hierarchy exists.
•Set of Bodies
The model is exported without assembly hierarchy.
Entity Types to Export
In this group of parameters, you should enable checkboxes of object types to be exported. Following types are available:
Object type is preserved.
Surface bodies export. Object type is preserved.
If there is a wire body in an external operation, it will be exported.
•3D Images
Object is exported as mesh.
•3D Nodes
Object type is preserved.
Welds are converted into bodies.
3D paths and routes export. Objects are converted into wire geometry.
3D profiles export. Closed profiles are converted into surfaces bodies. Non-closed profiles are converted into wire geometry.
Color of exported body can be inherited from one of the following source:
Main color of body material.
Color specified in parameters of body or its faces.
Convert geometry to NURBS
Converts polynomial splines to rational splines (NURBS) when converting a model. Allows usage of exported file in systems, that do not support polynomial splines.
Convert 3D Curves to UV Curves
Converts 3D curves to curves defined by 2D curve laying on 3D surface. It allows usage of exported file in systems, that do not support 3D curves. May increase the quality of model. This option can be enabled, only if the Convert geometry to NURBS option is enabled.
Simplify geometry
Removes the redundant topology of the exported model bodies, if possible. For example, it can be "extra" ribs, breaking a cylindrical surface into segments. As a result, the size of the output file is reduced. The option does not change the quality of model. By default, it is disabled, because it increases export time and memory consumption.
Combine geometry of bodies (for STEP only)
Reduces the size of resulting STEP-file and duration of importing geometry from STEP to T-FLEX CAD or other systems, without affecting the result of the import. When using this option, the converter searches for coinciding entities of CAD model and replaces them in the results of export by links to a single entity. The option is enabled by default. Disable it, if export results are incorrect.
Use fragment names (for STEP only)
If the checkbox is enabled, names of exported bodies of 3D fragments are based on parameters of fragments insertion operations: if the Fragment name (displayed) parameter is filled for an operation, its value is used in export; otherwise the value of the Operation Name parameter is used. If the checkbox is disabled, names of exported bodies of 3D fragments are based on names of fragment documents.
Fragment insertion operation inherits the Fragment name (displayed) parameter from document parameters of the fragment.
Save Bodies as Sets of Faces
Instead of exporting a solid body, a set of its faces will be exported, each face as a separate surface.
Split periodic faces
Splits periodic surfaces (e.g. cylindrical) in two parts. May increase the quality of model, but also increases export time. Allows usage of exported file in systems, that do not support periodic surfaces.