Identifying Failing Elements and the Reasons of Model Regeneration Errors

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Identifying Failing Elements and the Reasons of Model Regeneration Errors

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Upon encountering errors during the model recalculation, the system outputs relevant signals. The user shall be able to correctly interpret those in order to proceed with a sound and quick fix to the source of errors and restore the model validity.

Diagnostics Window

The “Diagnostics” tool window serves to output various system messages regarding errors in the model encountered during a recalculation, as well as warnings and information messages.

Messages are output in the diagnostics window line by line. Each line includes the message type symbol (  error-type, info-type, etc.), a brief description of the message cause and the name/ID of the model element. In addition, the name/identifier of the “problem” element of the model is specified in the message.


Below we review the most typical errors occurring in the course of model recalculation:

Message text


clip8498Geometry is too complex...

A geometrical parameter specified in the operation's properties (for example, a blend radius) does not support a valid result under the current conditions. To correct the error, check the geometry near the location of the operation or modify the geometrical parameter value.

clip8498Error regenerating *a source/parent element*

One or more elements used as the base for the concerned operation failed the regeneration for some reason. The operation cannot be recalculated because of a missing source element. To correct the error, try to restore the source element or redefine the operation.

clip8498Degenerate *element*

The source data used for constructing the element (usually, a 3D profile or a 3D path) for some reason does not support a correct construction of the element. To correct this error, check the source 2D construction elements (for such issues as self-intersecting hatches, open contours etc.).

clip8498Error opening Fragment file

Link to Nonexistent File

The system couldn't find the required file neither by the specified path nor in the assembly folder.

clip8498Error regenerating source *Element*

The system encountered additional errors when recalculating the element, which lead to an invalid result.

clip8498Input data is incorrect

The operation's input parameters do not support a valid result. Modify the source elements or the operation's geometrical parameters.

clip8498Missing operand in Boolean operation

A Boolean operand could be missing due to an error in its regeneration or due to parametric modifications of the model that caused the body to disappear. In this case, only one operand is left, and the Boolean operation no longer makes sense within the sequence of the model's operations. It could be the case, however, that such "blinking" elements are intentional instances within a family of parametric versions of the part. The Boolean operation provides an option among its parameters to allow a missing operand.

clip8498Error recalculating Fragment model

This is a general message conveying the fact that errors were encountered when regenerating a model of a Part or a 3D fragment. You need to investigate the fragment's model to correct the error. Use the command “Open Fragment”, “Detail”.

clip8498Recursion in Element links

In most cases, the system warns the user by this message in advance about an attempt to create recursive relations (that is, the element's dependencies on itself). This message being displayed during model regeneration means the model already has recursive relations. To resume the normal function, make sure you find and break the recursion by redefining the elements with invalid relations.

Upon error messages being displayed in the diagnostics, make sure to investigate and fix their causes. By selecting a message line in the diagnostics window you automatically select the respective element. You can call the context menu containing the commands for the selected element by Правый клик Текст, which includes the editing commands (see “Editing Techniques” below).


Diagnostics may include messages about the regeneration errors which occurred during recalculation of 3D fragments. In this case, the context menu will provide the command “Show Fragment Structure”. Once this command is called, the system will show in what fragment the error occurred. Next, depending on the situation, you can use the command “Open Fragment” or “Detail” to investigate the fragment's model.

Since model elements are related with each other, a failure in one element may simultaneously cause a sequence of errors in other elements. In a case like that, you need to start fixing problems from the very first failing element. Therefore, if you see several messages, first pay your attention to the beginning of the list in the upper part of the diagnostics window.

Sometimes, it is not the element triggering a recalculation error that actually needs to be fixed, but rather one of its “parents”. For example, a 3D profile doesn't cause regeneration errors by itself, but its geometry may not support valid calculation of a further operation. In such a case, you need to look for the reason why the 3D profile changed. Maybe, that reason originates on the workplane page that contains the source construction for the profile. After that, the error in the child 3D element may disappear automatically.

“3D Model” Window

Working with the diagnostics may be enhanced by using the 3D model structure in the “3D Model” window for finding the desired element. The model elements within which errors are detected are marked by special signs:

A red cross on an element (clip8504, clip8505, clip8506) means the failure occurred in that particular element.

A red arrow attached to the icon of a 3D element (clip8507, clip8508, clip8509, clip8510, clip8511) means an error was detected among its parents. By tracing the history of the element's creation along the model tree branch, you can reach the first failing element. If there are errors, then the red arrow will also show on the special folders of the model tree containing lists of elements (clip8512, clip8513).

A blue cross on an element (clip8514) means the operation was suppressed by the user. This is just an info message, rather than an error.

To reach the failing element, you need to expand the branches of the model tree and follow the tree structure, finding the so marked elements.
