Axis by Circle and Radial Axis

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The following automenu option of the Axis20x20 Axis command can be used for creating simultaneously a single radial axis of a circle, ellipse or arc and a full axial circle. The radial axis is angled so, that a selected node lies on the axis. The same node is the center of the full axial circle, which passes through the center of the selected circle/ellipse/arc.



Axis by Circle and Radial Axis

First, select a 2D node, then select a graphic line of a circle, ellipse or arc. Upon selecting a graphic line, the axes are created automatically, without requiring the confirmation.

The limits of the radial axis is defined by the radius of the selected element.

After creation of the axis, the command will remain in the mode of creating more axes in relation to the same node. To create another pair of axes, it is sufficient to select a next graphic line of a circle, ellipse or arc. To return to the stage of selecting a node, press mouse right or use the CancelSelection30x30 option in the automenu of the command.  



See Also:
