Select 2D Elements for Moving and Copying

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Upon calling any move, copy or array creation command, the first step will always be selecting the source elements to be moved or copied. The following options will be provided in the automenu:



Finish element selection



Add elements



Remove elements



Select Other Element



Exit from editing of selected Elements list

The <M> button is assigned to two options, which cannot be activated simultaneously, so pressing <M> switches between these options.

2D nodes, construction lines, graphic lines, hatches, 2D fragments and texts of any type can be selected as source elements.

Elements can be selected by clicking mouse left them in 2D window, while the ModeAddElement Add elements option is active. Elements can be excluded from selection in the same way, while the clip0002 Remove elements option is active. To speed up the process, you can invert the active selection mode by pressing the <Ctrl>. This means, if the current active option was ModeAddElement, then pressing <Ctrl> + mouse left will be removing elements from the selected set, and vice versa, with the active option clip0002 pressing <Ctrl> + mouse left will result in adding elements to the set.

The selection mode may also be switched in the SWParameters20x20 parameters window.


Below the selection mode drop-down list there's the list of selected objects.


The list of objects can be managed using the Expand MenuDown, Collapse MenuUp, Delete element from the List clip0014 and Clear clip0015 buttons.

To finish the selection, use the option AutomenuOk1.

After finishing the source elements selection, the main parameters and automenu options of the called command appear.

Then you can always return to the source elements selection mode using the following automenu option:



Edit copied elements list