Display Options of Text Content Editing

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When editing the content of text of any type except the string one, following auxiliary elements can be displayed:

NonPrintableChars20x20 Non-printable characters;

VariableNames20x20 Variable names.

Non-printable characters

Non-printable characters facilitate the visual perception of text formatting by designating spaces, tabs, paragraphs, line wraps, etc. They are not printed. Non-printable characters are displayed only in the text content editing mode in a 2D or 3D window, or in the text editor.

Within the text content editing mode the following command enables the non-printable characters display:




Text > Font > Show Unprintable Symbols


Textual Menu



This command is also available in the contextual menu of text content (Show Unfold10x10White NonPrintableChars20x20 Non-printing Chars)

Within the text editor this command is available in the Standard toolbar and in the drop-down menu (View > NonPrintableChars20x20 Non-printing Chars).

When characters are displayed, the command's icon gets highlighted NonPrintableChars20x20Enabled. In order to disable the characters display, call the command again.


Variable names

When there's an expression inserted into text, an expression value is always displayed in text outside the text content editing. When editing the text content, you may switch between displaying a value or a body of expression. In order to display a body of expression with variable names, mathematical operations and functions, use the following command within the text content editing mode:




Text > Font > Show Variable Names


Textual Menu



This command is also available in the contextual menu of text content (Show Unfold10x10White VariableNames20x20 Variable Names)

Within the text editor this command is available in the Standard toolbar and in the drop-down menu (View > VariableNames20x20 Variable Names).

When variable names display is enabled, the command's icon gets highlighted VariableNames20x20Enabled and expressions are shown in curly braces. In order to disable the variable names display, call the command again.


a=5; b=3