Change 3D Path Length

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3D Model > Construct > Change 3D Path Length

Assembly > Construct > Change 3D Path Length

Sheet Metal (3D) > Construct > Change 3D Path Length

Surfaces > Construct > Change 3D Path Length

Weld > Construct > Change 3D Path Length

Primitives > Construct > Change 3D Path Length

Support Geometry > 3D Curve > Change 3D Path Length


Textual Menu


Construction >  Change 3D Path Length

Upon selecting a 3D path, you can select one of the following modes of changing its length, using buttons located at the top of the length change parameters tab:


 Modify3DPath2 13_PathSmooth2

Adds a segment of the specified length to the starting and/or ending point of the selected curve. The Symmetric checkbox is disabled by default, so lengths of extensions are specified individually for starting and ending points. Enabling the checkbox leaves only a single extension length input box, so the segments added to the start and the end will each have the length equal to half of the specified value.



Adjusts the total length of the selected path to the specified value. You can select one of the following methods of adjustment in the drop-down list: Fix Start (length will be changed by adding or removing a segment at the ending point of the curve), Fix End (length will be changed by adding or removing a segment at the starting point of the curve), Symmetric (length will be changed be adding or removing two segments of equal length at both extreme points of the curve).

Both modes of changing the length allow selecting shapes of segments added at start and end. Following shape options are available:

PathExtensionNatural20x20 Natural
Added segment follows the law of the source path's curvature change.

PathExtensionStraight20x20 Linear
Added segment is straight.

PathExtensionSym20x20 Symmetric
Added segment is symmetric to the source path in relation to its starting or ending point.