Round 3D Path

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3D Model > Construct > Round 3D Path

Assembly > Construct > Round 3D Path

Sheet Metal (3D) > Construct > Round 3D Path

Surfaces > Construct > Round 3D Path

Weld > Construct > Round 3D Path

Primitives > Construct > Round 3D Path

Support Geometry > 3D Curve > Round 3D Path


Textual Menu


Construct > Round 3D Path

Rounding allows you to round edges at path's vertices. Upon selecting a 3D path, you can set a Common Radius, which will be applied to all vertices, using the input box at the top of the rounding parameters tab. Below there is the list of exclusions, i.e. vertices, which the Common Radius is not applied to. In order to add a vertex to the list, press mouse left over its manipulator, which looks like a turquoise ball. Then set the desired rounding radius for the selected vertex by moving the mouse, while holding mouse left pressed, and release mouse left. The vertex will be added to the list. Vertices can be selected in the list using mouse left. Below the list you can input a precise radius value for the selected vertex via keyboard. In order to remove the selected vertex from the exclusions, press the SplineDelete button located to the right of the list.
