Rounding with Constant Radius

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The mode of creating roundings (fillets) with constant radius can be called in the Edge Blend command using the EdgeBlendRoundConst30x30 Rounding button located in the upper part of the parameters window.

Rounding is the most commonly used type of blending. A surface is created along the selected edge, providing a smooth transition from one face to the other. A condition holds that any normal cross section of this surface with respect to the edge is an arc of the specified radius.

To easily realize how the rounding surface is generated, imagine a ball of the specified radius rolling along the selected edge, touching the faces adjacent to the edge. The trace of the ball represents the blend surface for the given edge. The surface may be defined in a single or multiple passes, particularly, if different edges are rounded with different radii. Complex spline surfaces may be constructed to join multiple edge blends.

The operation may add or remove material, depending on whether the angle between the faces of the blending edge is convex or concave.

EdgeBlendCommon2        EdgeBlendCommon3

The rolling ball must be touching at least one of the adjacent faces. Otherwise, rounding will fail and the system will output an error.

See Also:

Create Edge Blend

Selecting Edges for Blending

Create Rounding with Constant Radius

Manipulators of Rounding with Constant Radius