Common Parameters of Sheet Metal Commands > Corner Relief

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When attaching a flange, intersections may occur between the flange and the workpiece. In such a case, automatic trimming can be performed. Trimming is done in such a way to leave a diagonal gap of the specified width in the intersecting area. To perform clipping, you need to specify the Clipping option in the Type list and set the gap thickness with the Gap parameter.

When the value is set to No Clipping, intersecting parts will not be clipped.

Clipping is possible if the flange and the intersected part of the workpiece have the same thickness and lie in one plane. Certain exceptions from these rules are allowed, such as tolerance on flange thickness and bending angle when matching with the workpiece.




Original solid body

Flange without clipping

Flange without clipping

See Also:

Full List of Common Parameters