Inserting 3D Picture by 2D Fragment

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It is recommended to use 3D pictures for creating 3D assemblies by 2D assemblies based on objects with fixed dimensions. Assemblies consisting of 3D pictures are regenerated much faster than assemblies consisting of 3D fragments.

The insertion of 3D picture by 2D fragment is only possible, if the Save 3D Picture checkbox is enabled in parameters of 2D fragment's document (Document Parameters > Document > Save > Save).

Insert 2D fragment onto a PageNormal20x20 normal drawing page or a PageWP20x20 workplane page in a usual way. Then call the 3DPicture20x20 3D Picture command and activate the following automenu option:



Select source 2D or 3D fragment

Then select a previously inserted 2D fragment by clicking it with mouse left. Upon selection, the 3D picture stored in 2D fragment's document will be automatically positioned in 3D scene in relation to the coordinate system of one of workplanes in accordance with the position of the 2D fragment in relation to the coordinate system of page. If 2D fragment is inserted onto a PageWP20x20 workplane page, then the same workplane is used for positioning 3D picture. If 2D fragment is inserted onto a PageNormal20x20 normal drawing page, then the "Top" workplane is used for positioning 3D picture. If necessary you can select a different workplane for positioning 3D picture using the following automenu option:



Select workplane to set placement of 3D Picture

This option is activated automatically, upon selection the source fragment. When it's active, clicking mouse left a workplane in 3D scene or in model tree results in positioning of 3D picture in 3D scene in relation to such workplane in accordance with the position of the selected 2D fragment on page.

Next you can apply additional transformations manually and customize other 3D picture insertion options. When you're done, finish the in put via AutomenuOk1  or <Ctrl>+<Enter>.


Upon inserting 3D picture using this method, the associative link between its position in 3D scene and position of 2D fragment on page is kept. However the link only works in one direction - from 2D to 3D. I.e., if you manually move or rotate 2D fragment on page, then 3D picture will be automatically moved or rotated in 3D scene in the same way. However, manual repositioning and rotation of 3D picture doesn't affect the position and orientation of 2D fragment, though the link won't break, as the difference in positions and orientations caused by the manual repositioning and rotation will always be added to the position and orientation of the 3D fragment defined by the 2D fragment.