Layout. Link between 2D and 3D Fragments

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A document containing a 3D model and a 2D drawing, can be inserted into another document as a 3D or 2D fragment.


If you insert the same document into the same assembly as 2D and as 3D fragment one by one using usual method, then there won't be any link between the 2D and the 3D fragment, regardless of the fact, that they're based on the same document.

However, there are following methods of fragments insertions allowing to link position of 2D fragment in drawing or on workplane with position of 3D fragment in 3D scene, if both fragments are based on the same document:

Manual Insertion of 2D Fragment by 3D Fragment
When using this method, a 2D fragment may be either an automatically generated 2D projection of 3D model, or an arbitrary image. In case of using 2D projection, it may be generated as 2D fragment even if it doesn't exist in the source document. In case of using arbitrary image, such image should be created manually in accordance with the rules described in the Creating 2D Representation within Document of 3D Fragment section before inserting 2D fragment.

Automatic Insertion of 3D Fragment by 2D Fragment

Manual Insertion 3D Fragment by 2D Fragment without Using Layout

Manual Insertion 3D Fragments by 2D Fragments Using Layout


In addition to a parametric 3D model, a document may contain a 3D picture, which represents the shape of the model without its parametric structure. If a 2D fragment based on such document is inserted into an assembly, then you can also insert into such assembly a corresponding 3D picture, whose position in 3D scene will be linked to the position of the 2D fragment in drawing or on workplane.


Moreover, when inserting a 3D fragment, you may enable the automatic insertion of 2D fragment based on the image stored in one of the 3D fragment's document pages (only PageNormal20x20 normal pages are considered). With this method of insertion 2D fragment is positioned independently of 3D fragment.

Topics in this section:

Automatic Insertion of 2D Fragment by 3D Fragment

Creating 2D Representation within Document of 3D Fragment

Manual Insertion of 2D Fragment by 3D Fragment

Automatic Insertion of 3D Fragment by 2D Fragment

Manual Insertion of 3D Fragment by 2D Fragment without Using Layout

Manual Insertion of 3D Fragments by 2D Fragments Using Layout

Layout Mode of Applying Transformations to 3D Fragment

Inserting 3D Picture by 2D Fragment

Example of Layout Usage