Quality Control Window > Actions

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The Actions folder in the Quality Control window actions included into the current script. When running a script, it only performs those actions, whose checkboxes are enabled in the Selection column.


The QCTagsList18x16 button invokes the drop-down menu containing all tags, that are assigned to actions of the current script. Enable checkboxes of tags to be used for grouping the actions. Actions with same tag will be put into this tag's group within the Actions folder. The grouping is applied in accordance with the order of tags in the menu. If multiple tags are assigned to an action and grouping is enabled for all these tags, then groups of tags located lower in the list are created within groups of tags located higher in the list.


By default, actions of the standard script are grouped by such tags as 2D, 3D, 2D/3D and Variables corresponding to the type of elements to be checked by the action. Some actions have other tags additionally assigned. All mentioned tags are assigned to standard actions within the T-FLEX CAD source code.


You can additionally assigned any tags to standard actions, when editing the standard script or creating/editing custom scripts. Assigning tags to custom actions is possible not only within a script, but also within the source code of the action itself.  


If an action has customizable parameters, they are displayed in the Quality Control window as child objects of such action. Values of parameters are displayed in the Information column. In order to change a value, double click it with mouse leftmouse left and enter a new value via keyboard. Different parameters may contain different types of data (text string, integer, floating point number, Boolean, etc.).
