If a fragment inserted into an assembly has its own exploded view scenario, then such scenario can be played within the assembly, without affecting other fragments, i.e. apply a local exploded view. To do so, select the Exploded View item in the contextual menu of the fragment. If the fragment has no exploded view scenarios, then this item is not displayed.
If there are several exploded view scenarios for a fragment, then a list of them will be available from which you can select the necessary one.
If the fragment is already locally exploded, the Assemble button appears.
If the exploded view scenario of the top-level assembly is running, then you cannot run the local explosion of the fragment in parallel.
If a fragment is already being exploded locally, then this fragment will not participate in the exploded view scenario of the top-level assembly.
If, when launching the Exploded View Scenario command, the model is assembled, but there are exploded fragments, then their assembly will be performed.