Exploded view scenario allows to animate disassembling of 3D assemblies by sequentially applying transformations to fragments. Scenarios are created and edited using the Exploded View Scenario command.
A created scenario can be played using the Exploded View ribbon tab, which is enabled by calling the Exploded View command. Moreover a scenario can be
recorded on video or
exported to formats of other systems.
If a fragment inserted into an assembly has its own exploded view scenario, then such scenario can be played within the assembly, without affecting other fragments, i.e. apply a local exploded view.
By default, when creating 2D projections by 3D models, models are projected in non-exploded state. However, you can project a model's state at any stage an exploded view scenario, if necessary.
Topics in this section:
•Create or Edit Exploded View Scenario
•Record Exploded View Scenario
•Export Exploded View Scenario
See Also: