Working with Protected Document

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If a document was protected by a specific HASP protection key, then, when the user works with this document (opening, inserting as a fragment, etc.), the current user's HASP Plug ID will be matched against the ID of the key set in the document protection parameters. In the case of matching IDs, this user will be allowed the access corresponding to the given protection. If the IDs do not match, the access to the document will be banned.


If a document was protected by password with access key, then, when the user attempts to open the document, one will be prompted to enter password.

The user shall enter the password in this dialog, that he received from the document developer. (See Generating password for access in document or Library).

Once the password is entered, it can be automatically saved in a special file DocAccess.ini, created into Program folder. When opening documents with this protection in the future, the password will be taken from the file DocAccess.ini.


If the password is not known at the time of opening the document, one can set the option Don't ask password for this Library or document. Then, when using this document in the future, the password-querying dialog will not be displayed, and the access protection will be set to Not using HASP Plug (if this protection type was set in the document). Otherwise, if the protection type Not using HASP Plug was not assigned to the document, the access to the document will be banned.


When working with a protected document, the access is set that is the most of the allowed accesses. For example, if one protection grants document editing, and the other bans it, then editing document is considered allowed.