Helix 3D Path by Face

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The 3D path of this type can be created using the following option within the Helix 3D Path command:


By Face


Creating Helix 3D Path by Face

Following steps should be done:

Select face.

Define a start point and/or a start angle (optional).

Set number of coils and direction of coiling (optional).

Confirm the operation AutomenuOk1.


A curvilinear face of any rotational body can be selected as a Face. Face defines length and diameters of a helix.

Additionally you can select custom Start Point of a helix. If selected point doesn't lay on selected face, its projection will be used as a start.

The WorkplaneOffset13 Change Direction button switches direction of a helix along face's axis in relation to start point.

Start Angle - the angle of helix start's rotation around face's axis.

Accuracy - object are being approximated or considered coinciding within this tolerance.

Number of Coils may also be changed. The value should be higher than zero.

The Direction of Coiling parameter as well as the SwitchRotationDirection Reverse Direction of Coiling button switch direction of helix between clockwise and counterclockwise. The button is not pressed by default and the value is equal to zero. Pressing the button switches the value to one. Values can be also typed in manually or defined using variables. Only positive whole numbers are allowed. Values higher than one are considered same as one.