3D Path as Projection on Face or on Body

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Calling the command:




Support Geometry > 3D Path > 3D Path as Projection on Face or on Body


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Automenu of the 3DPath20x20 <3PA> 3D Path command


Projection on Face or on Body

This method involves creating a 3D path as a projection of an existing 3D path on a face or a set of adjacent faces of a sheet or solid. In this case, the source path may be non-planar, and its projection does not necessarily have to fit entirely on the selected faces. The projection vector is set either by a single 3D object capable of determining the direction (a straight 3D path, edge, LCS, working plane, etc.), or by using two geometric points (3D nodes, vertices, etc.). If a body is selected, a 3D path is projected onto each of its faces. The resulting elements (the results of projecting a 3D path onto the selected faces or body) are combined into one 3D path. Elements that cannot be joined are discarded.


1 – source 3D path; 2 - the source body (face); 3 - objects defining the projection vector; 4 projection of the source path

If the projection vector is not specified, then the projection is built along the normal to the selected face, and if a set of faces is selected – along the normal to the nearest face.


1 – source 3D path; 2 - projection of the source path along the normal to the face; 3 - projection of the source path in a given direction (along the normal to the plane)



Select operation on which 3D path will be mapped



Select face that will be used for 3D Path projection

The face or operation body are selected in the 3D scene by Левый клик Текст. An operation body can also be selected in the 3D model tree by picking the intended operation in it.

The source 3D path is selected by the option:



Select 3D Path for projecting onto face

The projection vector can be defined by two 3D points with the help of the options:



Select first 3D point of projection direction vector        



Select second 3D point of projection direction vector        

The projecting vector can be defined by a single object using the option:



Select projection direction

To undo a specified direction, use the option:



Cancel selection of projection direction