Change Faces

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Calling the command:




3D Model > Special > Surfaces > Change Faces

Surfaces > Operations > Change Faces


Textual Menu


Operation > Surfaces > Change Faces

This command allows modifying parameters of the faces whose underlying surfaces are analytical (cylinder, cone, sphere and torus), as well as the parameters of faces created by a blend operation. Most commonly, this command is used for handling imported models.

clip7039   clip7040

To use the command, select one or several faces to modify (faces being modified), and specify their parameters. Parameters vary depending on the face type, and can be shared across all faces or be specific to a face. The required condition for executing the command is, the face being modified must be "surrounded" by adjacency faces.

To use the command, do the following sequence of steps:

1. Select faces to modify.

2. Define face parameters.

3. Define advanced parameters (optional).

4. Confirm operation creation.

Selecting faces to modify

To select the faces to modify (the faces, whose parameters will be changed), use the option:



Select faces

...or corresponding filters in the filter toolbar.

When selecting faces, the system allows selecting only the faces that can be modified, that is, cylinder, cone, sphere and torus type surfaces and blend faces. It is allowed to select several faces at once, of different types. The exception is the smoothing edges. They cannot be edited together with faces of other types. When at least one smoothing face is selected, the selection of other types of faces is blocked.

When selecting blend faces, you can use the Select blend edges method combo box.


Exactly the same combo box is used among the parameters of the command Delete Faces. The command Change Faces utilizes this combo box in a similar way, except that the automatically selected faces are subjected to parameter changes, rather than deleted.


Once a face is selected, it is added to the Faces list. Working with this list is similar to working with other such lists in the application.

To cancel selection of all faces at once, use the option:



Cancel selection of all faces and surfaces        

Defining face parameters

New parameters of surfaces are always defined in the property window. However, different parameters can be defined depending on a face type. For the faces that are blends, cylinders and spheres, you can define the radius. For cone faces, define the cone angle. For the faces – tori, define the major and minor radii of the torus. Faces of different types may be selected when defining the command. The appearance of the property window changes accordingly, depending on the type of the face selected in the Faces list.

If you check the Relative Parameter option, the respective face parameter will be changing relative to the original parameter.

For example, if the original cylindrical face had the radius equal to 20, then, with the option Relative Parameter set, entering the radius value of 5 fields a cylindrical face with the radius 25 resulting from the operation.

By default, each face in the list of faces being modified has parameters shared across other faces, while having the Common Parameters option set in the parameters window. To define specific parameters of a face, turn off this option. If necessary, you can turn off the Common Parameters option for all selected faces.

Topics in this section:

Edit Faces Change