Exclusions in Arrays of 3D Elements

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The interface of defining exclusions is described below. The main concepts of exclusions are described in the Limitations and Exclusions in Arrays of 3D Elements section.


The array creation command's window contains the Exclusions tab, if exclusions are applicable to the selected type and class of arrays. This tab contains the list of excluded elements. In order to exclude an element, you need to activate mouse left the list or the corresponding automenu option:



Select elements to Exclude

Activating the list in the parameters window activates the automenu option and vice versa. In result, the filter toolbar becomes hidden and only previewed elements of the current array become selectable in the 3D scene, using Левый клик Текст. Selected elements are highlighted in the 3D scene in white (if solid) or in red color (if construction) and are listed in the Exclusions tab of the command's parameters window.

The list of exclusions is a table where each row corresponds to a certain excluded element. Row, Column and Height columns of the list contain position of the excluded element in the corresponding direction. Enabling checkboxes in the TableColumn18x18 Whole Row, TableColumn18x18 Whole Column and TableColumn18x18 Whole Height columns of the list allows to exclude the whole row, column or height containing the selected element.

The Cyclical Repeat checkbox is located below the list of excluded elements. Enabling this checkbox applies the cyclical repeat option to the selected item of the list.

You can TableAdd21x20 Add another element to the list, TableDelete21x20 Delete the selected item of the list, TableDeleteAll21x20 Delete All items from the list or TableEdit21x20 Edit the selected item.

The Exclude dialog window appears upon clicking the TableAdd21x20 Add or TableEdit21x20 Edit button. It contains the Row, Column and Height drop-down lists. Index input boxes contain positions of excluded element in corresponding directions. Following options are available in each of the aforementioned drop-down lists:

Excludes the zero position (i.e. the element coinciding to the source object of array) in this row, column or height. Makes the Index equal to zero.

Excludes the last in the forward direction element in this row, column or height. Makes the Index equal to "1000000".

Last in Opposite Direction
Excludes the last in the reverse direction element in this row, column or height. Makes the Index equal to "-1000000".

In Position
Allows to input the Index manually.
