Groups of Elements

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For creation and deletion of groups, editing its structure, use the Groups command:




Edit > Additional > Groups

3D Model > Additional > Groups

Draw > Additional > Groups

Assembly > Additional > Groups

Sheet Metal > Additional > Groups

Surfaces > Additional > Groups

Weld > Additional > Groups

Routing > Additional > Groups

Primitives > Additional > Groups

Support Geometry > Additional > Groups


Textual Menu


Edit > Groups

Group – is a named logical union of several elements created by arbitrary rules. Grouping allows us to work with heterogeneous elements as with a unique object: select, move/copy as a whole object, specify common properties, etc. Grouping allows us to arrange the structure of a drawing (a 3D model) and avoid undesired editing of its individual elements.

Both 2D and 3D elements can form the groups.

General Principles of Work with Groups

Groups of elements in the documents of T-FLEX CAD can be created in two ways:

Manually using the Groups command;

Automatically by the system when various actions are performed, for example, when 2D copies, 2D fragments, and drawing views are unfolded, 2D projections are broken. This method of groups creation is described in more detail in the Automatic Creation of Groups section.

Each group in the document has a unique name. Groups created by the user by default are assigned the names of the type “Group_0”, “Group_1”, etc. This name can be changed to a more informative one in the command of editing/creation of groups.

Any object of the drawing or of a 3D model can belong only to one group. Moreover, both 2D and 3D elements can be combined into a single group. The group itself can be included into another group, thus creating a hierarchy of groups of arbitrary complexity.

The system will work with objects combined into a group as with a whole. If the cursor of the mouse is moved across the screen to an element, which belongs to some group, the entire group will be highlighted on the screen. When selecting an element belonging to the group, all elements of the group will automatically be selected.

If necessary, any element of the group can be selected individually. To do so, use mouse left with pressed key <Alt>. For the element of the group selected in this way, it is possible to change properties and even geometric parameters.

The structure of groups can be edited by adding new elements to them or by deleting already added elements. The elements removed from the structure of the group remain in the drawing or in the 3D model and the user can work with them as with independent objects.

Command for Working with Groups

The Parameters window of this command contains two lists. The upper list – Groups of elements – shows the list-tree of groups created in the current document. In the root list of the tree, all main groups of the current document are located. The folders, which can be expanded, contain the embedded groups (groups included into other groups).


The lower list (Structure of group…) displays the contents of the group selected in the upper list. A group can be selected by pressing Левый клик Текст  on the group's name. The elements included into the selected group are also highlighted on the drawing or in the 3D scene (depending on what sort of windows are opened in the current document).

If in the current document none of the groups were created, both lists will be empty.

In the automenu of the command, the following options for invoking various modes are available:






Explode group



Set name






Exit command

The GroupObjects option allows us to create a new group. The GroupObjectsCancel option – ungroup an already existing group, i.e., make all elements included into it independent objects. In this case the group itself will be deleted.

The NameObject option is used to specify a new name of the group.

The EditIcon option allows us to modify the structure (i.e., add or delete elements) of the selected group.

Grouping (Creation of New Group)

After invoking the GroupObjects option, the command will enter the mode of creation of a new group. In the window of properties of the command, in the list of groups, the new group will appear under the standard name “Group_№”. When entering the mode of editing, at the header of the list of elements the name of the new group will appear. The list of elements itself will remain empty.

New group  will always be created at the upper level of the structure of groups (at the root of the tree of groups).

In the automenu of the command, the following options will become available:



Finish selection of elements



Mode of addition of elements



Mode of deletion of elements



Specify name



Cancel editing

By default, in the automenu the clip0001 option will be active, i.e., the mode of addition of elements to the group being created will be enabled. The elements can be selected by pointing at them in the window of the drawing or of the 3D model, and also in the tree of the 3D model (for 3D elements). The selected elements will be displayed in the list of elements of the group in the window of the command's properties.

Note that when selecting the elements, the filters in the system toolbar are active.

To correct a wrong selection, the mode of deletion of elements can be used (the clip0002 option). The elements which are specified in the given mode are excluded from the list of the selected elements. Only the elements that are already added to the group being edited can be selected. The state of the filters of the selector is also taken into consideration when making a selection.


If necessary, it is possible to change simultaneously the name of the group being created with the help of the NameObject option. After invoking this option, the command enters the mode of editing the text of the group's name. The new name of the group can be typed directly in the list of groups. The editing of the name can be completed by pressing Левый клик Текст outside the box with the edited text.

The name of the group can also be modified outside the mode of creation/editing with the help of the analogous option in the main menu of the command.

Creation of a group can be completed with the help of the AutomenuOk1 option (in the automenu or in the properties window). After pressing AutomenuOk1 the command returns to the main mode of work.

Ungrouping and Editing a Group

For editing an already existing group, it is necessary to select the desired group in the list of groups and invoke the EditIcon option.  The work in this mode is carried out exactly in the same way as in the mode of creation of a group.

Note that if in this mode all elements from the structure of the group are deleted, the group itself is not deleted. Later such an “empty” group can be edited again by adding to its structure the new elements. To remove the group, it is necessary to use the GroupObjectsCancel.

Working with Groups with the Help of Context Menu

All modes of operation of the Edit groups of elements command are accessible directly from the context menu upon selection of elements outside the command.

Commands for working with groups are combined into the “Groups” submenu. Depending on the set of elements for which the context menu was invoked, it can contain the following commands:

Group…. It launches the groups editing command in the mode of creation of a new group;

Ungroup. It  ungroups  (deletes) the selected group/groups;

Edit groups… (available upon selection of only one group). It launches the groups editing command in the mode of editing of the structure of the selected group.

Automatic Creation of Groups

Automatic creation of groups is offered by the system in the following cases:

when creating complex elements of the draft (polygons, rectangles …). Capability of creation of such a group is controlled with the corresponding flag in the window of properties of the given mode of draft creation;

when creating a 2D array, if a group is selected as one of the initial objects of the array. In this case, by default, the new group is created that includes elements-copies of the array obtained on the basis of elements of the initial group. If two groups were selected for copying, two more groups will be created, etc.;

when unfolding fragments, projections, drawing views, copies and arrays. In this case, the system generates an additional window-warning with the suggestion to combine the resulting elements into a group. The group will be created in case of positive answer of the user.

When unfolding a 2D array, the number of created groups depends on the command being used – Explode or Explode Keeping Relations. In the first case, one group is created that includes all elements belonging to the array. In the second case, elements of each copy of the array are combined into an individual group. This implies that the number of resulting groups is equal to the number of copies in the array.

If elements of the array/copy that is unfolded were already combined into groups (for example, upon creation of an array), these groups are removed and the new groups are created.