Optional parameters of all arrays are defined in the Options tab of the respective operation's parameters window. The set of available parameters depends on the array type.
The following options are available for arrays of construction elements,
operations and
Include Source Operation (available for arrays of construction elements and
If this checkbox is enabled, then the source objects are included in the array. The parameters assigned to the array (color, material) also affect the array source objects.
Separate to Solids (available for arrays of bodies and
Enabling this checkbox divides the array into separate bodies (each array copy automatically becomes a new body).
Combine Result to one Solid (available for arrays of bodies and
If this checkbox is enabled, then the array copies are merged together by the Boolean addition operation.
The source object of the one-dimensional linear array |
The array is created without applying any options |
The Include Source Operation option is applied |
The Combine Result to one Solid option is applied |
The Separate to Solids option is applied |
The Include Source Operation and |
The Include Source Operation and |
The Include in product structure switch is available for various types of array but is relevant only for arrays based on 3D fragments. It determines what will be put into product structure:
Only source fragment will be included into BOM regardless of array parameters. Results of array creation are not taken into account in BOM;
•Array Operations
The results of array creation are included into BOM. Depending on the status of the Include Source Operation checkbox, the result can be either all copies of array (when the checkbox is enabled) or copies of array and the source object (when the checkbox is disabled).
The set of optional parameters available for array of faces is different:
Following checkboxes are available:
•Copy to one Face
•Extend Faces
•Check Intersection with other Faces
•Do not check boundaries of body (enabled by default)
Enabling a checkbox activates the eponymous mode of the array creation.
Detailed information on this options is available in the Types of Arrays of 3D Elements section.