Check Changes

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Calling the command:




Measure> Geometry Analysis > Check Changes


Textual Menu


Tools > Geometry Analysis > Check Changes

The command for checking modifications of the model allows the user to reveal the differences between two solid bodies of the 3D model. With the help of this command, the user can compare different bodies or the same body at various stages of creating modifications. Also, upon the presence of the saved configurations in the model, you can compare between each other two versions of the same part. In addition, the command is able to calculate the volume of the modified space, which allows us to estimate the extent of differences more accurately.



After entering into the command, the user has to specify the model operations/configurations to be compared.

For comparing two bodies the following options are used:



Select first Solid



Select second Solid

With the help of these options, the user can select different solid bodies of the same model as well as operations applied at different history levels to the same body. For selecting operations, you can use, for example, the tree of the 3D model. The selected operations are put into the fields First Operation and Second Operand in the command's parameters window.


This option allows selecting one of the configurations saved in the model as the second operand for comparison.

The way of comparing the selected operands can be chosen in the dialog of the command's parameters window with the help of the drop down list Type:


Subtraction (1-2). The result of comparison will be similar to the outcome of the boolean operation of subtraction of the first operand from the second;

Subtraction (2-1). The result of comparison will be similar to the outcome of the boolean operation of subtraction of the second operand from the first;

Intersection. The result of comparison will be similar to the outcome of the boolean operation of intersection of the first and second operands;

Union. The result of comparison will be similar to the outcome of the boolean operation of union of the first and second operands.

The way of comparing can be also selected in the auto menu of the command by turning on one of the following options:



Subtraction (1-2)



Subtraction (2-1)







After pressing AutomenuOk1 the result of comparison of the selected operands is highlighted in the 3D window with the red color.

For calculating the volume of the modified space, you additionally need to set the flag Calculate Volume in the dialog of the command's parameters. The precision and units for calculating the volume are set with the help of the group of parameters below the given flag.


Let's give an example. There is the following model with a linear array of holes:


Add blend to two linear array objects:


Choose a linear array as the first operand, and blend as the second. Next, select the type of operation Subtraction (1-2) and click AutomenuOk1. As a result, the difference between the two stages of model creation will be displayed.
